Holiday Initiatives
Activity Ideas for Families

“Additional Videos and Activity Ideas for Families with Young Children,” Easter Plan: Hear Him! (2020)

“Additional Videos and Activity Ideas for Families with Young Children,” Easter Plan: Hear Him!

Additional Videos and Activity Ideas for Families with Young Children

Jesus teaches children

Additional Videos for Families with Young Children

Wednesday, April 8

Hear Him through the Scriptures

Thursday, April 9

Hear Him by Remembering Him

Friday, April 10

Hear Him through Forgiveness

Saturday, April 11

Hear Him through Prayer

Sunday, April 12

Hear Him through Worship

Additional Activity Ideas for Families with Young Children

Wednesday, April 8

Hear Him through the Scriptures

Draw or act out your favorite scripture story. The scripture story about Jesus Christ blessing the children in ancient America is a favorite of many children. Find examples of scripture stories for young readers here.

Thursday, April 9

Hear Him by Remembering Him

Imagine what it would have been like to hear Jesus tell stories. Listen to some examples of children telling Bible stories in their own words. Think about how Jesus blesses you. Draw a picture of you and Jesus together.

Friday, April 10

Hear Him through Forgiveness

Do something nice for someone in your family to show them that you love them. Watch the One in a Million videos to see examples of children serving others.

Saturday, April 11

Hear Him through Prayer

Pray to Heavenly Father, thinking about what you want to thank Him for and what blessings you need. Read or watch how Enos and Joseph Smith prayed to Heavenly Father and heard His voice.

Sunday, April 12

Hear Him through Worship

Think of a song about Jesus, and sing it with your family. Have fun singing with other children with these sing-along videos!

Additional Easter Stories, Activities, and Media

Additional Easter stories, activities, videos, and music for children may be accessed on the Easter topics page for children on
