English Learning

“Leaders,” EnglishConnect Implementation Guide (2023)

“Leaders,” EnglishConnect Implementation Guide

leaders talking and laughing together


EnglishConnect operates under priesthood direction to assist in God’s work of salvation and exaltation. EnglishConnect can be implemented by wards, stakes, coordinating councils, missions, and areas.

The following principles will help you get started:

  • Establish a vision. In councils, determine how you will use EnglishConnect to support individuals and families in God’s work of salvation and exaltation.

  • Delegate responsibility. EnglishConnect may be organized like other self-reliance or educational programs. The implementation of EnglishConnect can be delegated to a high councilor or a self-reliance specialist.

  • Ensure accountability. Schedule periodic updates on the impact of the program. Focus on individuals and families.

Mission Leaders

In areas where stakes or wards do not have EnglishConnect groups, mission leaders can plan with local priesthood leaders to have missionaries teach the groups while local Church leaders prepare members to fill this role. Mission leaders and missionaries should use the information in this guide and unite their efforts with those of local leaders and members (see “Mission Partnership”).
