»3. enota: Uvod – Pogovor o mojem dnevu«, EnglishConnect 1 za učence (2022) »3. enota: Uvod«, EnglishConnect 1 za učence Unit 3: Introduction Talking about My Day Objectives I will learn to: Describe my daily routine. Opišem svojo vsakodnevno rutino. Describe what I am doing. Opišem, kaj počnem. Use days and times to talk about my day. Ko govorim o svojem dnevu, uporabljam dneve in čas. Describe the weather. Opišem vreme. Apply principles of learning by study and by faith. Udejanjam načela učenja s preučevanjem in vero. Lessons Lesson 10: Daily Routines Lesson 11: My Activities Lesson 12: Time and Calendar Lesson 13: Weather