「单元4:简介——描述工作和食物」,EnglishConnect 1 学员版(2022年) 「单元4:简介」,EnglishConnect 1 学员版 Unit 4: Introduction Describing Jobs and Food Objectives I will learn to: Talk about my job. 谈论我的工作。 Describe foods I like and dislike. 描述我喜欢和不喜欢的食物。 Explain why I like or dislike foods. 解释我为什么喜欢或不喜欢某种食物。 Order food and take someone’s order. 点餐和接受某人的点餐。 Apply principles of learning by study and by faith. 藉着研读和信心来应用学习原则。 Lessons Lesson 14: Jobs and Careers Lesson 15: Jobs and Careers Lesson 16: Food Lesson 17: Food