Previous Editions
Ponder—Maximum Time: 5 Minutes

“Ponder—Maximum Time: 5 Minutes,” Facilitating Groups for Self-Reliance (2016)

“Ponder—Maximum Time: 5 Minutes,” Facilitating Groups

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Ponder—Maximum Time: 5 Minutes

Individually think about what you have learned today and consider what the Lord would have you do. Read the quote below and write responses to the questions.

“This is the miracle of Church councils: listening to each other and listening to the Spirit! When we support one another in Church councils, we begin to understand how God can take ordinary men and women and make of them extraordinary leaders” (M. Russell Ballard, “Counseling with Our Councils,” Ensign, May 1994, 26).

What are the most meaningful things I learned today?

What will I do as a result of what I learned today?
