undefined undefined Report—Maximum Time: 25 Minutes
Self-Reliance Resources
Report—Maximum Time: 25 Minutes

“Report—Maximum Time: 25 Minutes,” Find a Better Job for Self-Reliance (2016)

“Report—Maximum Time: 25 Minutes,” Find a Better Job

report icon

Report—Maximum Time: 25 Minutes

If this is your first chapter of this week, complete “Report.” Otherwise, skip to page 24.

Last Week’s Commitments

  1. Identify resources daily.

  2. Make contacts daily.

  3. Contact and support action partner.

  4. Practice and share today’s My Foundation principle.

  5. Practice job search skills.

Step 1: Self-Evaluate (5 minutes)

Use the “Evaluating My Efforts” chart on pages ii–iii to review your commitments from the last meeting. First, write in the actual number of resources you found and contacts you made. Then individually evaluate your effort to keep each commitment by marking red, yellow, or green.

evaluating my efforts thumbnail

Step 2: Share with the Group (10 minutes)

Each of you report how you did with your commitments by sharing your goals and actual numbers and by stating “red,” “yellow,” or “green” for your effort. Share what went well and how Heavenly Father helped you.

Step 3: Choose Action Partners (2 minutes)

Choose an action partner from the group for this coming week. Generally, action partners are of the same gender and are not family members.

Take a couple of minutes now to meet with your action partner. Introduce yourselves and discuss how you will contact each other throughout the week.

Action partner’s name

Contact information

Write how and when you will contact each other this week.








Complete the activity on the next page.