“Resources,” Find a Better Job for Self-Reliance (2016)
“Resources,” Find a Better Job
The Interview
Choose roles, and act out the following.
Interviewer: “What can you tell me about yourself?”
Candidate 1: “You mean like what I like to do? Not much, really. I don’t really have any hobbies or interests. I pretty much do nothing.”
Candidate 2: “Um … well, I …”
Candidate 3: “Oh, I’d love to. As you can see, I spend a lot of time lifting weights. I’m supposed to go to anger management classes too. But who wants to go to those? You know what I mean?”
Candidate 1: “Or do you mean what I’m like at work? I haven’t really stayed at a job long enough to say. I get bored quickly and just stop showing up. … I probably shouldn’t have said that.”
Candidate 2: “Um …”
Candidate 3: “I mean, the guy who teaches that anger management class … I could break him in half. So who would my boss be? You? Hey, you aren’t the type that is always checking to see if we’re busy, are you? Like we’re a bunch of little kids? My last boss did that, and I didn’t like it.”
Interviewer: “Why should we hire you?”
Candidate 2: “You should hire me because … um …”
Candidate 1: “Well, I need a job. I thought my mom came down and talked to you about that yesterday. She said I should get a job. Didn’t she?”
Continue reading on next page.
Candidate 3: “You’d be crazy not to hire me. I noticed when I was coming in that some things really need to be changed around here. It’s a wonder you guys are still in business. I could fix all that. Yeah. You’ll be thanking me for saving your business.”
Candidate 2: “Because … um …”
Interviewer: “What is your biggest weakness?”
Candidate 3: “I don’t have any weaknesses. What’s yours? Man, I hate questions like that.”
Candidate 2: “Weaknesses? Hm …”
Candidate 1: “Um … stealing. I mean, not stealing, really. It wasn’t stealing. It’s a long story. I mean I was going to bring it back. I thought my boss would let me borrow it for a while.”
Back to page 99.