Self-Reliance Resources
Learn—Maximum Time: 45 Minutes

“Learn—Maximum Time: 45 Minutes,” Find a Better Job for Self-Reliance (2016)

“Learn—Maximum Time: 45 Minutes,” Find a Better Job

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Learn—Maximum Time: 45 Minutes


Read:A successful job search follows this simple formula:

Act in Faith + Work Hard + Work Smart = Success

In the previous chapter, you learned a skill to help you work smart: how to match your skills to the employer’s needs. In this chapter, you will learn another “work smart” skill: power statements.

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Josh’s Job Search

Read:Josh can now see he is a good fit for the help desk position at ABC Marketing. But he is pretty sure other people might have the same qualifications. What really helps him stand out are his accomplishments, but he isn’t quite sure how to talk about them. He is wondering what he can do to stand out as the clear choice.

Discuss:In what ways can you relate to Josh?

1. Make Powerful Impressions

Read:The best way to show you meet the employer’s needs is with a power statement. A power statement briefly describes your previous experiences and accomplishments by sharing a specific example and outcome. Think of them as small stories. Other people might have similar qualifications, but nobody has done exactly the same things. So rather than list off generic skills that anyone could say, use a power statement.

Discuss:Why was the third example the best?

Read:The third job seeker used a power statement, which enabled him or her to talk about something he or she had actually done in an interesting, memorable, and completely unique way. It was like a short, true story. It helped the third job seeker stand out as the clear choice.

2. Follow the Power Statement Formula

Read:Power statements follow a very simple formula:

power statements formula

Part of the power in a power statement is that it is brief. Delivering a power statement should not take more than 30 to 45 seconds.

Josh’s job search icon
Josh’s Job Search

Read:Let’s look at a power statement Josh put together after reviewing the job description at ABC Marketing. He saw that the employer needed someone with good troubleshooting skills. Notice how he used the formula to create his power statement.

➀ “I am great at troubleshooting. ➁ For example, as a help desk technician at IT World, I developed a simple process to identify common technical issues. ➂ As a result, in two years I was able to resolve over 1,000 concerns in about half the time as my peer group. ➃ I can put this same expertise to work for you.”

Discuss:How will Josh’s power statement help him stand out as the clear choice?

Read:Here are more sample power statements for a returned missionary, a small business owner, and a mother, who are all seeking jobs. They used the four steps and included specific details to strengthen their power statements. Take turns reading each statement out loud.

Claim a skill or experience

(“I am … ,”
“I can … ,” or
“I have …”)

Give an example

(“For example …”)

Give a result

(“As a result …”)

Match the skill to the needs of the employer

Returned Missionary

I can build and motivate teams.

For example, as a full-time volunteer for my church, I was asked to lead a team of eight other volunteers who were not unified and were not meeting goals. I identified the needs and developed a specific series of trainings and commitments to help them improve.

As a result, the group began achieving and then exceeding their goals.

I can help your teams come together to meet and exceed goals.

Small Business Owner

I can solve problems.

For example, in our family business, we needed a system to track expenses. I developed a tracking system and identified a supplier who was overcharging us on invoices.

As a result of my system, I was able to correct the overcharges and save our business over $5,000 annually.

I know I can apply these same problem-solving skills for you.


I have strong organizational skills.

For example, as a mother, I successfully coordinate the schoolwork and activities of three children. I have learned to manage our schedules closely.

As a result, my children rarely miss an assignment or arrive late to an activity.

I can use these same organizational skills to ensure you never miss an appointment.

Discuss:What did you learn from sharing your power statement(s)?

Read:Power statements are a job search skill that will help you work smart. You will know you are doing it right if your power statements lead to more employer interest. Power statements in résumés should lead to interviews. Power statements in contacts should lead to helpful information or leads. And power statements in interviews should lead to job offers. If you aren’t getting these results, work to improve this skill.

Practicing with others and getting feedback will help you improve. Let’s start right now!

Discuss:How will power statements help you stand out as the clear choice?


Watch:“The Power of Power Statements,” available at (No video? Read page 70.)

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Discuss:What are the most important things you learned from this chapter?

Read:Power statements will be the most influential job search skill you can learn. They are key to working smart.

Act in Faith + Work Hard + Work Smart = Success

Power statements will help you stand out as the clear choice more than anything else you can do. Use them in your résumés, contacts, and interviews. Practice this skill. Prepare dozens of power statements. Pray for Heavenly Father’s help, and you will see greater success.
