Self-Reliance Resources

“Resources,” Find a Better Job for Self-Reliance (2016)

“Resources,” Find a Better Job

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The Power of Power Statements

Darren shares how power statements helped him stand out as the clear choice in a competitive hiring process.

“Even if you have a job, it’s good to prepare and practice your power statements. I knew I was going to get laid off, so I started actively job seeking. Made me realize you need to keep your network up to date … anyway, what I do is a bit of a specialty, but there are others with similar skills and experience. I found a position online and went about preparing my application and résumé. I knew the competition would be high, especially because this position was posted where anyone could find it. I had learned about power statements and knew that was my key. While others had similar skills, no one had the same experiences and accomplishments I did. I crafted a great résumé, tailored to the employer’s needs, and cited several relevant examples and accomplishments. The employer called me within days of submitting my applications.

“I ended up going through several interviews—some by phone and some by video. I prepared power statements for the interview questions I anticipated. Because it was a remote interview, I could actually use my notes. I knew they were interviewing others, so I had to stand out. The power statements helped me sell myself. The power statements proved who I am. They proved I was willing to take the job and run with it. The employer knew I would do well for them because I could share examples and stories of when I had done similar things in the past. I got the job! I know my power statements made the difference for me.”

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