Self-Reliance Resources

“Resources,” Find a Better Job for Self-Reliance (2016)

“Resources,” Find a Better Job

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Amy Nails Her Interview

Let’s read how Amy’s preparation and practice helped her have a great interview.

“When I finished my degree, I thought I would quickly find work. I was wrong. My education wasn’t finished yet. I had to learn how to find a job. So I went to work—I learned how to network. I learned how to make my résumé more relevant to the places I applied. And I had to practice my interview skills. Interviews have always made me nervous, and when I get nervous, I stutter and my brain goes numb. So I wanted to prepare as much as possible. A friend at church referred me to a manager at a local employer. The manager called me and set up an interview. I took a deep breath and practiced my answers to each question many times in front of the mirror and with friends using Me in 30 Seconds, power statements, and turning negatives into positives. I also prayed for confidence and help from my Heavenly Father.

“When the day came for my interview, I was still nervous, but I also felt prepared. I dressed one step above the typical work attire and arrived seven minutes early. I ended up interviewing with a team of managers. I opened the interview with Me in 30 Seconds, and things moved on from there. I had practiced for nearly every question they asked me. Even when they would ask a question I hadn’t practiced, I would have something to say because I was so familiar with the interviewing skills. The interview felt more like a conversation, and I knew Heavenly Father was helping me. When the interview was finished, I knew I had done well. A few days later, I was offered the job. I know being prepared and prayerful helped me have a successful job interview.”

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