Self-Reliance Resources
Learn—Maximum Time: 45 Minutes

“Learn—Maximum Time: 45 Minutes,” Find a Better Job for Self-Reliance (2016)

“Learn—Maximum Time: 45 Minutes,” Find a Better Job

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Learn—Maximum Time: 45 Minutes


Read:A successful job search follows this simple formula:

Act in Faith + Work Hard + Work Smart = Success

If you could cut the time it took you to get a job by 90 percent, would you be interested? You can. In this chapter you will be challenged to follow this formula in a way that will dramatically accelerate your job search.

Josh’s Job Search

Read:Josh interviewed for the position at ABC Marketing. He thought it went well and was glad he had practiced. He should hear back from them this week. He is excited about that possibility, but he doesn’t want to put all of his eggs in that basket. He might not get that job. He needs to get as many other good job leads as possible so that he can get a job quickly, but how?

Discuss:In what ways can you relate to Josh?

Read:In many ways, your job search is a lot like this funnel. It takes a lot of effort doing the basics of identifying resources and making contacts to funnel down to job leads, interviews, and job offers. The more resources and contacts you make by working hard, the more interviews and job offers you will get. However, working hard is not enough. It’s also important to work smart so that more of your contacts and resources turn into leads, interviews, and job offers.


1. Work Hard: 15-10-2

Read:There is a proven job search strategy called 15-10-2 that has often reduced the time it takes people to find work from 200 days to 20 days! It involves a basic plan for your daily job search efforts.

  • Identify 15 new resources every day.

  • Make 10 contacts every day.

  • Make two of those contacts face-to-face.

Remember, a resource is any source of information or connections that will contribute to a successful job search. It can be a person, place, or a thing.

A contact is any employment communication with a resource. This could be meeting with someone face-to-face, making a phone call, sending an email, submitting an application or résumé, or sending a follow-up note. The more personal you can make your contacts, the quicker you will get a job, which is why you want to make at least two face-to-face contacts every day.

The 15-10-2 approach will dramatically shorten the time you are looking for work. 15-10-2 might not be possible for everyone, so adapt it to your circumstances. For some, a 10-8-2, or even a 7-7-2 approach might be what their time allows. The point is to put as much work as you can into your job search. The more resources and contacts you put into your funnel, the more job leads, interviews, and job offers you will get.

Ponder:What would it be like to find a job quickly? How hard are you willing to work to find a job?

2.  Work Smart

Read: While essential, hard work alone won’t accelerate your job search. You must also work smart.

Effective job seekers work hard by pursuing multiple job opportunities at a time. They work smart by identifying and directly contacting the people who can help them get those jobs. They also work smart by customizing their job search tools, such as Me in 30 Seconds and résumés, for each job.

Remember, you get out of your job search what you put into it.

  • How did Josh work smart?

  • How quickly do you think Josh will get a job by working this way?

Read:By working smart, Josh was able to accelerate his job search, find success, and reach the daily goal of 15-10-2. As you work on your job search, notice how working smart naturally leads to achieving 15-10-2.

Discuss:Share your plan on how you will work smart.

Read:Working smart is more effective than just working hard. Keep in mind that even when working smart, sometimes things don’t work out. At times, you will run into dead ends. Keep working hard and smart, and have faith. The Lord knows what you are going through and will bless you.

Discuss:What can you do to keep working hard and smart, even when your job search is difficult?


Watch:“Rafael: Job in 6 Days!” available at (No video? Read page 165.)

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Discuss:What were the most important things you learned from this chapter?

Read:A successful job search follows this simple formula:

Act in Faith + Work Hard + Work Smart = Success

If you want to shorten the time it takes you to find a job, work hard and work smart. The Lord has said, “Men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will. … For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves.” And this commandment comes with a promise: “Inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward” (D&C 58:27–28). Fill your funnel with as many effective resources and contacts as you can, and you will be blessed.
