Message from the First Presidency

“Message from the First Presidency,” For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices (2022)

“Message from the First Presidency,” For the Strength of Youth

Painting of a woman examining Jesus’s hand among onlookers.

Message from the First Presidency

Our dear young brothers and sisters,

We love you and we have confidence in you. You are truly among Heavenly Father’s choice spirits, sent to earth at this time to do important things.

There may be times when you don’t feel strong or capable. That’s normal. Especially in those moments, turn to the Savior. He is the “strength of youth.”

This guide will help you build a solid foundation for making choices to stay on the covenant path. It will help you prepare to make sacred covenants in the temple, prepare to serve a mission, and find joy in following Jesus Christ throughout your life. We hope you feel that you belong in the Savior’s Church and have power from Him to fulfill His purposes for you.

We know God lives. It is our prayer that you will stay firmly on the covenant path that leads back to your Father in Heaven. As you do, you will be an influence for good, sharing the gospel joyfully and preparing the world for the Second Coming of the Savior.

The First Presidency