Make inspired choices

“Make inspired choices,” For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices (2022)

“Make inspired choices,” For the Strength of Youth

A young woman praying on her bed.

Make inspired choices

In For the Strength of Youth, you will find the teachings of Jesus Christ and His prophets. With these truths as your guide, you can make inspired choices that will bless you now and throughout eternity.

Jesus Christ is the way to eternal joy. As you use your freedom to choose to follow Jesus Christ, you are on the path that leads to eternal happiness. Make Jesus Christ your standard, your rock-solid foundation. Build your life on His teachings, and measure your choices by them. The covenants you make at baptism, during the sacrament, and in the temple are the building blocks of your firm foundation in Christ. You’ll still face struggles and temptations, but Heavenly Father and the Savior will help you through them all.

You are a beloved spirit child of God. His great plan of happiness makes it possible for you to grow spiritually and develop your divine potential. This is why He sent Jesus Christ to be your Savior.

Your Father in Heaven trusts you. He has given you great blessings, including the fulness of the gospel and sacred ordinances and covenants that bind you to Him and bring His power into your life. With those blessings comes added responsibility. He knows you can make a difference in the world, and that requires, in many cases, being different from the world. Seek your Heavenly Father’s guidance as you make choices. He will bless you with inspiration through the Holy Ghost.

The purpose of For the Strength of Youth is not to give you a “yes” or “no” about every possible choice you might face. Instead, the Lord is inviting you to live in a higher and holier way—His way. This guide will teach you about His way. It explains truths He has revealed. Make these truths your guide for making choices—big choices, such as making covenants in the temple and serving a mission, as well as daily choices, such as how to treat people or how to spend your time.

While others can help you, your spiritual growth is personal. It’s between you and the Lord. He knows your heart, and only He can be the ultimate Judge. Do your best to improve each day, keep God’s commandments and honor your covenants, and help others come closer to the Savior.

See Mosiah 4:29–30 (the ways to sin are numberless, so we must watch ourselves); Helaman 5:12 (build your foundation on Christ); Doctrine and Covenants 45:57 (take the Holy Spirit for your guide); 82:15 (bind yourself to the Lord through covenants).

people using a map icon

How this guide is organized

Each topic has three parts:

  1. Eternal truths, or doctrine of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ

  2. Invitations to act on those truths

  3. Promised blessings that the Lord offers to those who live by His teachings
