General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Title Page Summary of Recent UpdatesThis is a summary of recent updates to the General Handbook. 0. Introductory Overview 0.0. IntroductionThis handbook has been prepared for use by general and local Church leaders to administer the affairs of the Church. 0.1. This HandbookThis handbook has been prepared for use by general and local Church leaders to administer the affairs of the Church. 0.2. Adaptation and Optional ResourcesThis handbook has been prepared for use by general and local Church leaders to administer the affairs of the Church. 0.3. UpdatesThis handbook has been prepared for use by general and local Church leaders to administer the affairs of the Church. 0.4. Questions about InstructionsThis handbook has been prepared for use by general and local Church leaders to administer the affairs of the Church. 0.5. TerminologyThis handbook has been prepared for use by general and local Church leaders to administer the affairs of the Church. 0.6. Contacting Church Headquarters or the Area OfficeThis handbook has been prepared for use by general and local Church leaders to administer the affairs of the Church. Doctrinal Foundation 1. God’s Plan and Your Role in His Work of Salvation and Exaltation 1.0. IntroductionThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.1. God’s Plan of HappinessThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.2. God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation 1.2. God’s Work of Salvation and ExaltationThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.2.1. Living the Gospel of Jesus ChristThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.2.2. Caring for Those in NeedThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.2.3. Inviting All to Receive the GospelThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.2.4. Uniting Families for EternityThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.3. The Purpose of the Church 1.3. The Purpose of the ChurchThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.3.1. Priesthood Authority and KeysThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.3.2. Covenants and OrdinancesThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.3.3. Prophetic DirectionThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.3.4. ScripturesThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.3.5. Gospel Learning and Teaching SupportThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.3.6. Service and Leadership OpportunitiesThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.3.7. A Community of SaintsThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1.4. Your Role in God’s WorkThis chapter will help you gain a vision of God’s plan of happiness, His work of salvation and exaltation, and the purpose of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 2. Supporting Individuals and Families in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation 2.0. IntroductionThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 2.1. The Role of the Family in God’s Plan 2.1. The Role of the Family in God’s PlanThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 2.1.1. Eternal FamiliesThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 2.1.2. Husband and WifeThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 2.1.3. Parents and ChildrenThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 2.2. God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation in the Home 2.2. God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation in the HomeThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 2.2.1. A Home Where the Spirit Is PresentThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 2.2.2. Sabbath ObservanceThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 2.2.3. Gospel Study and Learning at HomeThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 2.2.4. Home Evening and Other ActivitiesThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 2.2.5. Supporting IndividualsThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 2.3. The Relationship between the Home and the ChurchThis chapter will help you gain a vision of the role of the family in God’s plan, God’s work of salvation and exaltation in the home, and the relationship between the home and the Church. 3. Priesthood Principles 3.0. IntroductionThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.1. Restoration of the PriesthoodThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.2. Blessings of the PriesthoodThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.3. Melchizedek Priesthood and Aaronic Priesthood 3.3. Melchizedek Priesthood and Aaronic PriesthoodThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.3.1. Melchizedek PriesthoodThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.3.2. Aaronic PriesthoodThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.4. Priesthood Authority 3.4. Priesthood AuthorityThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.4.1. Priesthood KeysThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.4.2. Priesthood Conferral and OrdinationThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.4.3. Delegation of Priesthood Authority to Serve in the ChurchThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.4.4. Exercising Priesthood Authority RighteouslyThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.5. Priesthood Power 3.5. Priesthood PowerThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.5.1. CovenantsThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.5.2. OrdinancesThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 3.6. The Priesthood and the HomeThrough the priesthood, Heavenly Father accomplishes His work “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4. Leadership and Councils in the Church of Jesus Christ 4.0. IntroductionAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.1. The Purpose of Leadership in the ChurchAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.2. Principles of Leadership in the Church 4.2. Principles of Leadership in the ChurchAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.2.1. Prepare SpirituallyAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.2.2. Minister to All of God’s ChildrenAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.2.3. Teach the Gospel of Jesus ChristAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.2.4. Preside in RighteousnessAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.2.5. Delegate Responsibility and Ensure AccountabilityAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.2.6. Prepare Others to Be Leaders and TeachersAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.2.7. Plan Meetings, Lessons, and Activities with Clear PurposesAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.2.8. Evaluating Your EffortsAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.3. Councils in the ChurchAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.4. Principles of Effective Councils 4.4. Principles of Effective CouncilsAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.4.1. Purposes of CouncilsAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.4.2. Preparation for Council MeetingsAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.4.3. Discussion and DecisionsAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.4.4. UnityAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.4.5. Action and AccountabilityAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). 4.4.6. ConfidentialityAs a leader in the Church, you have the privilege of assisting in Heavenly Father’s work of “bring[ing] to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). Church Organization 5. General and Area Leadership 5.0. IntroductionThis chapter describes the roles of general and area leaders in the Church. 5.1. General Church Leadership 5.1. General Church LeadershipThis chapter describes the roles of general and area leaders in the Church. 5.1.1. General AuthoritiesThis chapter describes the roles of general and area leaders in the Church. 5.1.2. General OfficersThis chapter describes the roles of general and area leaders in the Church. 5.2. Area Leadership 5.2. Area LeadershipThis chapter describes the roles of general and area leaders in the Church. 5.2.1. Area PresidencyThis chapter describes the roles of general and area leaders in the Church. 5.2.2. Area SeventiesThis chapter describes the roles of general and area leaders in the Church. 5.2.3. Area CouncilThis chapter describes the roles of general and area leaders in the Church. 5.2.4. Coordinating CouncilThis chapter describes the roles of general and area leaders in the Church. 5.2.5. Area CallingsThis chapter describes the roles of general and area leaders in the Church. 6. Stake Leadership 6.1. Purposes of a StakeThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.2. Stake Presidency 6.2. Stake PresidencyThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.2.1. Presiding High PriestThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.2.2. Leading God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation in the StakeThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.2.3. Common JudgeThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.2.4. Records, Finances, and PropertiesThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.3. Differences between the Authority of District Presidents and That of Stake PresidentsThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.4. Stake Executive Secretary, Assistant Stake Executive Secretaries, Stake Clerk, and Assistant Stake Clerks 6.4.1. Stake Executive Secretary and Assistant Stake Executive SecretariesThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.4.2. Stake Clerk and Assistant Stake ClerksThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.5. High Council 6.5. High CouncilThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.5.1. Represent the Stake PresidencyThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.5.2. Serve on Stake Councils and CommitteesThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.5.3. Serve as Stake Organization LeadersThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.6. Stake Patriarch 6.6. Stake PatriarchThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.6.1. Calling, Sustaining, and Ordaining a Stake PatriarchThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.6.2. Calling a Second Stake PatriarchThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.6.3. Instructing a Newly Called Stake PatriarchThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.6.4. Supervising the Work of the Stake PatriarchThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.6.5. Confidentiality of Patriarchal BlessingsThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.6.6. Patriarchs Who Are Called to Another Church PositionThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.6.7. Scribes for Patriarchal BlessingsThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.7. Stake Organizations 6.7. Stake OrganizationsThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.7.1. Stake Relief Society, Young Women, Primary, and Sunday School PresidenciesThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.7.2. Stake Young Men PresidencyThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.7.3. Stake Organization SecretariesThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 6.8. Stake SpecialistsThe Lord establishes stakes for “the gathering together” of His people and “for a defense, and … a refuge” from the world (Doctrine and Covenants 115:6). Members and leaders in a stake work together to help accomplish God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 7. The Bishopric 7.1. The Bishop and His Counselors 7.1. The Bishop and His CounselorsThe bishop holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in the ward. He and his counselors form a bishopric. They receive guidance from the stake presidency. They care for ward members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ. 7.1.1. Presiding High PriestThe bishop holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in the ward. He and his counselors form a bishopric. They receive guidance from the stake presidency. They care for ward members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ. 7.1.2. President of the Aaronic PriesthoodThe bishop holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in the ward. He and his counselors form a bishopric. They receive guidance from the stake presidency. They care for ward members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ. 7.1.3. Common JudgeThe bishop holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in the ward. He and his counselors form a bishopric. They receive guidance from the stake presidency. They care for ward members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ. 7.1.4. Coordinating God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation in the WardThe bishop holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in the ward. He and his counselors form a bishopric. They receive guidance from the stake presidency. They care for ward members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ. 7.1.5. Records, Finances, and the MeetinghouseThe bishop holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in the ward. He and his counselors form a bishopric. They receive guidance from the stake presidency. They care for ward members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ. 7.2. Differences between Branch Presidencies and BishopricsThe bishop holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in the ward. He and his counselors form a bishopric. They receive guidance from the stake presidency. They care for ward members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ. 7.3. Ward Executive Secretary and Assistant Ward Executive SecretariesThe bishop holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in the ward. He and his counselors form a bishopric. They receive guidance from the stake presidency. They care for ward members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ. 7.4. Ward Clerk and Assistant Ward ClerksThe bishop holds the priesthood keys to lead the work of the Church in the ward. He and his counselors form a bishopric. They receive guidance from the stake presidency. They care for ward members with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ. 8. Elders Quorum 8.1. Purpose and Organization 8.1. Purpose and OrganizationThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.1.1. PurposeThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.1.2. Membership in the Elders QuorumThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.1.3. Adapting to Local NeedsThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.2. Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation 8.2. Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and ExaltationThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.2.1. Living the Gospel of Jesus ChristThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.2.2. Caring for Those in NeedThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.2.3. Inviting All to Receive the GospelThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.2.4. Uniting Families for EternityThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.3. Elders Quorum Leaders 8.3.1. Stake Presidency and BishopThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.3.2. High CouncilorThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.3.3. Elders Quorum PresidencyThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.3.4. SecretaryThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.3.5. Additional Callings and AssignmentsThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.4. Helping Prospective Elders Prepare to Receive the Melchizedek PriesthoodThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 8.5. Members with DisabilitiesThis chapter contains information for leaders of elders and high priests. 9. Relief Society 9.1. Purpose and Organization 9.1. Purpose and OrganizationRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.1.1. PurposeRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.1.2. Membership in Relief SocietyRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.1.3. Adapting to Local NeedsRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.2. Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation 9.2. Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and ExaltationRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.2.1. Living the Gospel of Jesus ChristRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.2.2. Caring for Those in NeedRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.2.3. Inviting All to Receive the GospelRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.2.4. Uniting Families for EternityRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.3. Relief Society Leaders 9.3.1. BishopRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.3.2. Relief Society PresidencyRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.3.3. SecretaryRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.3.4. Additional Callings and AssignmentsRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.4. Helping Young Women Prepare to Participate in Relief SocietyRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.5. Stake Relief Society LeadersRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.6. Additional Guidelines and Policies 9.6. Additional Guidelines and PoliciesRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.6.1. Members with DisabilitiesRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 9.6.2. LiteracyRelief Society helps God’s children prepare to return to His presence. 10. Aaronic Priesthood Quorums 10.1. Purpose and Organization 10.1. Purpose and OrganizationAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.1.1. PurposeAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.1.2. Aaronic Priesthood Quorum ThemeAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.1.3. QuorumsAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.1.4. Priesthood KeysAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.1.5. Adapting Quorums to Local NeedsAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.2 Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation 10.2 Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and ExaltationAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.2.1. Living the Gospel of Jesus ChristAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.2.2. Caring for Those in NeedAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.2.3. Inviting All to Receive the GospelAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.2.4. Uniting Families for EternityAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.3. BishopricAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.4. Youth Quorum Leaders 10.4.1. Calling, Sustaining, and Setting ApartAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.4.2. ResponsibilitiesAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.4.3. Quorum Presidency MeetingAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.4.4. Ward Youth CouncilAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.5. Advisers and SpecialistsAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.6. Helping Young Men Prepare to Receive the Melchizedek PriesthoodAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.7. Stake Young Men LeadersAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.8. Additional Guidelines and Policies 10.8.1. Safeguarding YouthAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.8.2. Young Men with DisabilitiesAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.8.3. Children and Youth EmblemsAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 10.8.4. Gathering Fast OfferingsAaronic Priesthood quorums help young men make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11. Young Women 11.1. Purpose and Organization 11.1. Purpose and OrganizationThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.1.1. PurposeThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.1.2. Young Women ThemeThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.1.3. ClassesThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.2. Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation 11.2. Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and ExaltationThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.2.1. Living the Gospel of Jesus ChristThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.2.2. Caring for Those in NeedThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.2.3. Inviting All to Receive the GospelThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.2.4. Uniting Families for EternityThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.3. Ward Young Women Leadership 11.3.1. BishopricThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.3.2. Adult Young Women PresidencyThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.3.3. SecretaryThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.3.4. Class Presidency and SecretaryThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.3.5. AdvisersThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.3.6. SpecialistsThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.4. Helping Young Women Prepare to Join Relief SocietyThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.5. Stake Young Women LeadersThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.6. Additional Guidelines and Policies 11.6.1. Safeguarding YouthThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.6.2. Young Women with DisabilitiesThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 11.6.3. Children and Youth EmblemsThe Young Women organization helps young women make and keep sacred covenants and deepen their conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel. 12. Primary 12.1. Purpose and Organization 12.1. Purpose and OrganizationPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.1.1. PurposesPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.1.2. Primary ThemePrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.1.3. NurseryPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.1.4. ClassesPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.1.5. Singing TimePrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.1.6. Children’s Sacrament Meeting PresentationPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.1.7. Temple and Priesthood Preparation MeetingPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.2. Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation 12.2. Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and ExaltationPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.2.1. Living the Gospel of Jesus ChristPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.2.2. Caring for Those in NeedPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.2.3. Inviting All to Receive the GospelPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.2.4. Uniting Families for EternityPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.3. Ward Primary Leadership 12.3.1. BishopricPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.3.2. Primary PresidencyPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.3.3. SecretaryPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.3.4. Music Leader and PianistPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.3.5. Teachers and Nursery LeadersPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.3.6. Valiant Activity LeadersPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.4. Stake Primary LeadersPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.5. Additional Guidelines and Policies 12.5.1. Safeguarding ChildrenPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.5.2. Children Who Have Special NeedsPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.5.3. Men Serving in PrimaryPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.5.4. Restroom SafetyPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.5.5. Role-Playing ActivitiesPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.5.6. CTR RingsPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 12.5.7. Introducing the Children and Youth ProgramPrimary is a home-centered, Church-supported organization for children ages 18 months to 11 years. 13. Sunday School 13.1. PurposeThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 13.2. Ward Sunday School Leadership 13.2.1. BishopricThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 13.2.2. Sunday School PresidentThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 13.2.3. Sunday School TeachersThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 13.3. Sunday School Classes 13.3. Sunday School ClassesThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 13.3.1. Small BranchesThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 13.3.2. Sunday School Classes for Specific GroupsThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 13.4. Improving Learning and Teaching in the WardThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 13.5. Improving Learning and Teaching in the HomeThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 13.6. Stake Sunday School LeadersThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 13.7. Additional Guidelines 13.7.1. Members with DisabilitiesThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 13.7.2. Resource CenterThe Sunday School helps accomplish God’s work of salvation under the direction of those who hold priesthood keys. 14. Single Members 14.0. IntroductionMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.1. Single Members in Geographic Units 14.1. Single Members in Geographic UnitsMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.1.1. Stake LeadershipMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.1.2. Ward LeadershipMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.2. Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation 14.2. Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and ExaltationMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.2.1. Living the Gospel of Jesus ChristMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.2.2. Caring for Those in NeedMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.2.3. Inviting All to Receive the GospelMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.2.4. Uniting Families for EternityMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.3. Young Single Adult Wards and Stakes and Single Adult WardsMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.4. Additional Guidelines and Policies 14.4.1. Gathering PlacesMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.4.2. Monday NightsMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.4.3. Additional Elders Quorums and Relief SocietiesMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.4.4. Members Called to Serve in Units for Single MembersMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.4.5. School BreaksMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.4.6. Interviews in Young Single Adult Wards and StakesMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.4.7. Participation in Activities for Single MembersMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 14.4.8. Single ParentsMen and women who have not married or who are divorced or widowed make up a significant portion of Church membership. Leaders reach out to these members and include them in the work of the Church. 15. Seminaries and Institutes of Religion 15.0. IntroductionSeminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) assists parents and Church leaders in helping youth and young adults increase their faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 15.1. Seminary 15.1. SeminarySeminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) assists parents and Church leaders in helping youth and young adults increase their faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 15.1.1. TeachersSeminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) assists parents and Church leaders in helping youth and young adults increase their faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 15.1.2. Buildings, Equipment, and MaterialsSeminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) assists parents and Church leaders in helping youth and young adults increase their faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 15.1.3. Class Officers and ActivitiesSeminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) assists parents and Church leaders in helping youth and young adults increase their faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 15.1.4. Credit and GraduationSeminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) assists parents and Church leaders in helping youth and young adults increase their faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 15.1.5. Released-Time SeminarySeminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) assists parents and Church leaders in helping youth and young adults increase their faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 15.2. Institute 15.2. InstituteSeminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) assists parents and Church leaders in helping youth and young adults increase their faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 15.2.1. Other Religion ClassesSeminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) assists parents and Church leaders in helping youth and young adults increase their faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. 15.3. Church Schools and Church Educational SystemSeminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I) assists parents and Church leaders in helping youth and young adults increase their faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ 16. Living the Gospel of Jesus ChristWe live the gospel as we exercise faith in Jesus Christ, repent daily, make covenants with God as we receive the ordinances of salvation and exaltation, and endure to the end by keeping those covenants. 17. Teaching the Gospel 17. Teaching the GospelEffective gospel teaching helps people grow in their testimonies and their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 17.1. Principles of Christlike Teaching 17.1. Principles of Christlike TeachingEffective gospel teaching helps people grow in their testimonies and their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 17.1.1. Love Those You TeachEffective gospel teaching helps people grow in their testimonies and their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 17.1.2. Teach by the SpiritEffective gospel teaching helps people grow in their testimonies and their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 17.1.3. Teach the DoctrineEffective gospel teaching helps people grow in their testimonies and their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 17.1.4. Invite Diligent LearningEffective gospel teaching helps people grow in their testimonies and their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 17.2. Home-Centered Gospel Learning and TeachingEffective gospel teaching helps people grow in their testimonies and their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 17.3. Leaders’ ResponsibilitiesEffective gospel teaching helps people grow in their testimonies and their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 17.4. Teacher Council MeetingsEffective gospel teaching helps people grow in their testimonies and their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 17.5 Teacher Council Meetings for ParentsEffective gospel teaching helps people grow in their testimonies and their faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 18. Performing Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings 18.0. IntroductionOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.1. Ordinances of Salvation and ExaltationOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.2. Other Ordinances and BlessingsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.3. Participation in an Ordinance or BlessingOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.4. Ordinances for Minor ChildrenOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.5. Ordinances Performed for and by Persons Who Have DisabilitiesOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.6. Naming and Blessing Children 18.6. Naming and Blessing ChildrenOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.6.1. Who Gives the BlessingOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.6.2. InstructionsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.6.3. Child Record Form and Blessing CertificateOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.7. Baptism 18.7. BaptismOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.7.1. Approval for a Person to Be Baptized and ConfirmedOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.7.2. Baptismal ServicesOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.7.3. Who Performs the OrdinanceOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.7.4. Where to Perform the OrdinanceOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.7.5. ClothingOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.7.6. WitnessesOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.7.7. InstructionsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.7.8. Baptism RecordOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.8. Confirmation and Gift of the Holy Ghost 18.8. Confirmation and Gift of the Holy GhostOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.8.1. Who Performs the OrdinanceOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.8.2. InstructionsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.8.3. Baptism and Confirmation Record and CertificateOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.9. The Sacrament 18.9. The SacramentOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.9.1. Approval to Administer the SacramentOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.9.2. Who Performs the OrdinanceOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.9.3. Guidelines for the SacramentOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.9.4. InstructionsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.10. Conferring the Priesthood and Ordaining to an Office 18.10. Conferring the Priesthood and Ordaining to an OfficeOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.10.1. Melchizedek PriesthoodOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.10.2. Aaronic PriesthoodOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.10.3. Presenting a Member to Be Sustained before He Is OrdainedOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.10.4. Who Performs the OrdinanceOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.10.5. InstructionsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.10.6. Ordination Record and CertificateOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.11. Setting Apart Members to Serve in Callings 18.11. Setting Apart Members to Serve in CallingsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.11.1. Who Performs the Setting ApartOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.11.2. InstructionsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.12. Consecrating Oil 18.12. Consecrating OilOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.12.1. Who Performs the OrdinanceOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.12.2. InstructionsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.13. Administering to the Sick 18.13. Administering to the SickOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.13.1. Who Gives the BlessingOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.13.2. InstructionsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.14. Blessings of Comfort and Counsel, Including Father’s Blessings 18.14.1. Who Gives the BlessingOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.14.2. InstructionsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.15. Dedicating Homes 18.15. Dedicating HomesOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.15.1. Who Performs the DedicationOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.15.2. InstructionsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.16. Dedicating Graves 18.16.1. Who Dedicates the GraveOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.16.2. InstructionsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.17. Patriarchal Blessings 18.17. Patriarchal BlessingsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.17.1. Receiving a Patriarchal BlessingOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.17.2. Obtaining Copies of Patriarchal BlessingsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.17.3. More InformationOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.18. Temple Endowment and SealingOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 18.19. Chart of OrdinationsOrdinances and blessings are sacred acts performed by the authority of the priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ. As priesthood holders perform ordinances and blessings, they follow the Savior’s example of blessing others. 19. Music 19.1. Purpose of Music in the ChurchInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.2. Music in the HomeInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.3. Music in Church Meetings 19.3. Music in Church MeetingsInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.3.1. Planning Music for Church MeetingsInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.3.2. Music in Sacrament MeetingInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.3.3. Music in Classes and Other Ward MeetingsInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.3.4. Music in Stake ConferenceInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.3.5. Other Music in the ChapelInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.3.6. Musical InstrumentsInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.3.7. ChoirsInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.4. Music Leadership in the Ward 19.4.1. BishopricInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.4.2. Ward Music CoordinatorInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.4.3. Additional CallingsInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.5. Music Leadership in the Stake 19.5.1. Stake PresidencyInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.5.2. Stake Music CoordinatorInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.5.3. Stake Music SpecialistsInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.6. Music Training and ResourcesInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.7. Additional Policies and Guidelines 19.7.1. Obtaining and Using MusicInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.7.2. Use of Meetinghouse Instruments for Practice, Private Instruction, and RecitalsInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 19.7.3. Community ChoirsInspirational music is an essential part of church meetings. 20. Activities 20.1. PurposesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.2. Planning Activities 20.2. Planning ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.2.1. Responsibility for Planning ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.2.2. Inviting All to ParticipateChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.2.3. StandardsChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.2.4. Balance and VarietyChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.2.5. Scheduling ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.2.6. Funding for ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.3. Stake, Multistake, and Area Activities 20.3.1. General GuidelinesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.3.2. Stake ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.3.3. Multistake and Area ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.3.4. Complying with Church Travel PoliciesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.4. Youth ConferenceChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5. Policies and Guidelines for Selecting and Planning Activities 20.5. Policies and Guidelines for Selecting and Planning ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5.1. Commercial or Political ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5.2. Dances and MusicChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5.3. Monday NightsChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5.4. New Year’s Eve ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5.5. Overnight ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5.6. Portrayal of DeityChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5.7. Prayers and Devotionals at ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5.8. Sabbath-Day ObservanceChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5.9. SportsChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5.10. Temple VisitsChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.5.11. Unapproved ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.6. Policies and Guidelines for Funding Activities 20.6. Policies and Guidelines for Funding ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.6.1. Activities Paid for with Ward or Stake Budget FundsChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.6.2. Funding for Youth CampsChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.6.3. Funding for FSY ConferencesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.6.4. Funding for Equipment and SuppliesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.6.5. Fundraising EventsChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.7. Safety Policies and Guidelines for Activities 20.7. Safety Policies and Guidelines for ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.7.1. Adult SupervisionChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.7.2. Age Requirements for Participation in Youth ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.7.3. InsuranceChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.7.4. Parental PermissionChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.7.5. Reports of AbuseChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.7.6. Safety Precautions, Accident Response, and Accident ReportingChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.7.7. TravelChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.8. Activity Administration Policies 20.8. Activity Administration PoliciesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.8.1. Copyrighted MaterialsChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.8.2. Renting Non-Church Facilities for ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). 20.8.3. Taxable ActivitiesChurch activities bring Church members and others together as “fellowcitizens with the saints” (Ephesians 2:19). Caring for Those in Need 21. Ministering 21.0. IntroductionThe Savior showed by example what it means to minister as He served out of love for His Father and for His Father’s children. 21.1. Responsibilities of Ministering Sisters and BrothersThe Savior showed by example what it means to minister as He served out of love for His Father and for His Father’s children. 21.2. Organizing Ministering 21.2. Organizing MinisteringThe Savior showed by example what it means to minister as He served out of love for His Father and for His Father’s children. 21.2.1. Making AssignmentsThe Savior showed by example what it means to minister as He served out of love for His Father and for His Father’s children. 21.2.2. Ministering Assignments for YouthThe Savior showed by example what it means to minister as He served out of love for His Father and for His Father’s children. 21.2.3. Full-Time MissionariesThe Savior showed by example what it means to minister as He served out of love for His Father and for His Father’s children. 21.3. Ministering InterviewsThe Savior showed by example what it means to minister as He served out of love for His Father and for His Father’s children. 21.4. Coordinating Ministering EffortsThe Savior showed by example what it means to minister as He served out of love for His Father and for His Father’s children. 22. Providing for Temporal Needs and Building Self-Reliance 22.0. IntroductionMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.1. Build Self-Reliance 22.1. Build Self-RelianceMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.1.1. Spiritual StrengthMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.1.2. Physical and Emotional HealthMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.1.3. Education and EmploymentMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.1.4. Temporal PreparednessMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.2. Minister to Those with Temporal and Emotional Needs 22.2. Minister to Those with Temporal and Emotional NeedsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.2.1. The Lord’s StorehouseMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.2.2. The Law of the Fast and Fast OfferingsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.2.3. ServiceMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.2.4. Humanitarian AidMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.3. Pattern for Building Self-Reliance and Ministering to Those in Need 22.3. Pattern for Building Self-Reliance and Ministering to Those in NeedMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.3.1. Seek Out Those in NeedMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.3.2. Help Members Assess and Address Short-Term NeedsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.3.3. Help Members Build Long-Term Self-RelianceMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.3.4. Minister to Those with Emotional NeedsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.4. Principles for Providing Church Assistance 22.4. Principles for Providing Church AssistanceMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.4.1. Encourage Personal and Family ResponsibilityMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.4.2. Provide Temporary Assistance for Essential NeedsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.4.3. Provide Resources or Services Rather Than CashMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.4.4. Offer Work or Service OpportunitiesMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.4.5. Keep Information about Church Assistance ConfidentialMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.5. Policies for Providing Church Assistance 22.5. Policies for Providing Church AssistanceMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.5.1. Policies Regarding Recipients of Church AssistanceMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.5.2. Policies on Using Fast OfferingsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.5.3. Policies on Making PaymentsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.5.4. Policies on Payments That Would Benefit a Bishop or Stake PresidentMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.5.5. Protecting against Improper Use of FundsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.6. Roles of Ward Leaders 22.6.1. Bishop and His CounselorsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.6.2. Relief Society and Elders Quorum PresidenciesMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.6.3. Ministering Brothers or SistersMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.6.4. Ward Welfare and Self-Reliance SpecialistsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.6.5. Summary of Callings and RolesMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.7. Role of the Ward CouncilMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.8. Role of the Ward Youth CouncilMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.9. Roles of Stake Leaders 22.9.1. Stake President and His CounselorsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.9.2. High CouncilorsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.9.3. Stake Relief Society PresidencyMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.9.4. Stake Welfare and Self-Reliance SpecialistsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.10. Role of the Stake Council 22.10. Role of the Stake CouncilMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.10.1. Resources Coordinated by the StakeMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.10.2. Specialized Working GroupsMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.11. Role of the Stake Bishops’ CouncilMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.12. Government and Community ResourcesMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. 22.13. Church ResourcesMembers of the Church covenant to “bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn … , and comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8–9). Caring for those who have temporal needs is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. This responsibility applies to all members of the Church as they minister to one another. Inviting All to Receive the Gospel 23. Sharing the Gospel and Strengthening New and Returning Members 23.0. IntroductionInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.1. Share the Gospel 23.1. Share the GospelInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.1.1. LoveInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.1.2. ShareInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.1.3. InviteInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.2. Strengthen New MembersInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.3. Strengthen Returning MembersInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.4. Hold Weekly Coordination MeetingsInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.5. Stake Leaders 23.5. Stake LeadersInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.5.1. Stake PresidencyInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.5.2. Stake Adult Leadership CommitteeInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.5.3. High CouncilorsInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.5.4. Stake Relief Society PresidencyInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.6. Ward Leaders 23.6. Ward LeadersInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.6.1. BishopricInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.6.2. Elders Quorum and Relief Society PresidenciesInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.6.3. Ward Mission LeaderInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.6.4. Ward MissionariesInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.6.5. Ward Council and Ward Youth CouncilInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 23.6.6. Ward Plan for Sharing the Gospel and Strengthening New and Returning MembersInviting all to receive the gospel is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. 24. Missionary Recommendations and Service 24.0. IntroductionTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.1. The Call to ServeTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.2. Missionary Assignments 24.2. Missionary AssignmentsTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.2.1. Young Teaching MissionariesTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.2.2. Young Service MissionariesTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.2.3. Senior MissionariesTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.2.4. Senior Service MissionariesTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.2.5. Summary of Missionary AssignmentsTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.3. Preparing and Qualifying to Serve a Mission 24.3. Preparing and Qualifying to Serve a MissionTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.3.1. Conversion to Jesus ChristTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.3.2. Meeting the Standards of WorthinessTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.3.3. Physical, Mental, and Emotional HealthTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.3.4. FinancesTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.3.5. Role of Family Members and Leaders in Preparing MissionariesTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.4. Recommending Missionaries 24.4. Recommending MissionariesTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.4.1. Health AssessmentsTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.4.2. Interviews and Recommendation FormsTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.4.3. Submitting RecommendationsTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.4.4. Those Unable to Serve as Full-Time MissionariesTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.5. After Receiving a Mission Call 24.5. After Receiving a Mission CallTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.5.1. Temple Endowment and Temple ServiceTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.5.2. Sacrament MeetingsTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.5.3. Setting Apart MissionariesTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.6. Service Away from Home 24.6. Service Away from HomeTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.6.1. Leaving to the Mission FieldTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.6.2. In the FieldTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.6.3. Returning Home from a MissionTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.7. Service Missions 24.7.1. Identifying Opportunities for Service MissionariesTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.7.2. Housing and TransportationTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.7.3. Training and SupervisionTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.7.4. Service Missionaries in Ward or Stake CallingsTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.7.5. Concluding a Service MissionTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.8. After Missionary Service 24.8.1. Temple RecommendsTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.8.2. Missionary Release InterviewTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.8.3. Missionary Reports and Speaking in Sacrament MeetingTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.8.4. CallingsTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.9. Resources for Missionary Recommendations and Service 24.9.1. Manuals and FormsTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.9.2. WebsitesTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. 24.9.3. Contact InformationTo serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves. Uniting Families for Eternity 25. Temple and Family History Work in the Ward and Stake 25.0. IntroductionUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.1. Member and Leader Participation in Temple and Family History Work 25.1. Member and Leader Participation in Temple and Family History WorkUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.1.1. Individual Responsibility for Temple WorshipUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.1.2. Ward and Stake Temple TripsUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.2. Organizing Temple and Family History Work in the Ward 25.2.1. BishopricUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.2.2. Elders Quorum and Relief Society PresidenciesUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.2.3. Ward Temple and Family History LeaderUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.2.4. Ward Temple and Family History ConsultantsUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.2.5. Ward CouncilUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.2.6. Ward Temple and Family History PlanUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.2.7. Ward Temple and Family History Coordination MeetingsUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.2.8. Temple Preparation CourseUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.3. Organizing Temple and Family History Work in the Stake 25.3. Organizing Temple and Family History Work in the StakeUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.3.1. Stake PresidencyUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.3.2. Stake Adult Leadership CommitteeUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.3.3. High CouncilorsUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.3.4. Stake Relief Society PresidencyUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.3.5. Stake Temple and Family History ConsultantsUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.3.6. FamilySearch CentersUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.3.7. FamilySearch Center CoordinatorUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.3.8. Area Temple and Family History AdvisersUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.4. Family History Resources 25.4.1., Ordinances Ready, and FamilySearch AppsUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.4.2. My Family: Stories That Bring Us TogetherUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.4.3. Family History Volunteer ActivitiesUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.5. Recommending and Calling Temple Workers 25.5.1. Recommending Temple WorkersUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.5.2. Requirements for Temple WorkersUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 25.5.3. Calling and Setting Apart Temple WorkersUniting families for eternity is part of God’s work of salvation and exaltation. Temple and family history work is the means for uniting and sealing families for eternity. 26. Temple Recommends 26.0. IntroductionEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.1. Types of Temple RecommendsEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.2. Safeguarding Temple Recommends 26.2.1. Priesthood Leaders Safeguarding Temple RecommendsEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.2.2. Lost or Stolen RecommendsEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.2.3. Recommend Holders Who Are Not Living the Standards of WorthinessEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.3. General Guidelines for Issuing Temple Recommends 26.3. General Guidelines for Issuing Temple RecommendsEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.3.1. Temple Recommend Interviews for Members in Wards and BranchesEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.3.2. Temple Recommend Interviews for Members in Isolated AreasEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.3.3. Conducting a Temple Recommend InterviewEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.4. Issuing Temple Recommends to Unendowed Members 26.4.1. General GuidelinesEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.4.2. Temple Recommends for Newly Baptized MembersEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.4.3. Temple Recommends for Proxy Baptisms and Confirmations OnlyEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.4.4. Temple Recommends for Sealing Living Children to ParentsEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.5. Issuing Temple Recommends in Special Circumstances 26.5.1. Members Receiving Their Own EndowmentEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.5.2. Newly Baptized MembersEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.5.3. Young Missionaries Returning from Service Away from HomeEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.5.4. Members Who Have Not Lived in the Same Ward for at Least One YearEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.5.5. After Divorce, Separation, or AnnulmentEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.5.6. Members Whose Close Relatives Publicly Oppose the Church or Belong to Apostate GroupsEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.5.7. Individuals Who Identify as TransgenderEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.5.8. Members Who Have Committed a Serious SinEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 26.5.9. Members Who Have Been Readmitted after Church Membership Withdrawal or ResignationEntering the temple is a sacred privilege. Ward and stake leaders encourage all members to be worthy of and to have a current temple recommend even if they do not live near a temple. 27. Temple Ordinances for the Living 27.0. IntroductionThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.1. Receiving Temple Ordinances 27.1.1. Preparing to Receive Temple OrdinancesThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.1.2. Scheduling Temple OrdinancesThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.1.3. Members Who Have Physical DisabilitiesThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.1.4. Translation or Interpretation AssistanceThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.1.5. Clothing to Wear to a TempleThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.1.6. Child CareThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.1.7. Meeting with Members after They Receive Temple OrdinancesThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.2. The Endowment 27.2. The EndowmentThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.2.1. Who May Receive the EndowmentThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.2.2. Deciding When to Receive the EndowmentThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.2.3. Planning and Scheduling the EndowmentThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.3. Sealing of Husband and Wife 27.3. Sealing of Husband and WifeThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.3.1. Who May Be Sealed in a TempleThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.3.2. Planning and Scheduling a Temple SealingThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.3.3. Marriage in a Temple for Time OnlyThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.3.4. Who May Attend a Temple SealingThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.3.5. Wedding ReceptionsThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.4. Sealing Living Children to Parents 27.4. Sealing Living Children to ParentsThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.4.1. Issuing a Recommend for Sealing Living Children to ParentsThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.4.2. Contacting the TempleThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.4.3. Child CareThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.4.4. Who Performs a Sealing of Living Children to ParentsThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 27.4.5. Who May Attend a Sealing of Living Children to ParentsThe temple is the house of the Lord. It points us to our Savior, Jesus Christ. In temples, we participate in sacred ordinances and make covenants with Heavenly Father that bind us to Him and to our Savior. These covenants and ordinances prepare us to return to Heavenly Father’s presence and to be sealed together as families for eternity. 28. Temple Ordinances for the Deceased 28.0. IntroductionStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.1. General Guidelines for Performing Proxy Ordinances 28.1. General Guidelines for Performing Proxy OrdinancesStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.1.1. Preparing the Names of Deceased Persons for Temple OrdinancesStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.1.2. Who May Participate in Ordinances for the DeceasedStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.1.3. Participation by Members Who Have Physical or Intellectual DisabilitiesStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.1.4. SchedulingStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.1.5. Translation or Interpretation AssistanceStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.1.6. Clothing to Wear to a TempleStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.1.7. Child CareStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.2. Performing Temple Ordinances for Deceased Persons 28.2. Performing Temple Ordinances for Deceased PersonsStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.2.1. Baptisms and Confirmations for the DeadStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.2.2. Endowment (Including Initiatory)Stake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.2.3. Sealing to Spouse and Sealing Children to ParentsStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.3. Special Circumstances 28.3. Special CircumstancesStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.3.1. Children Who Died before Birth (Stillborn and Miscarried Children)Stake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.3.2. Children Who Died before Age EightStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.3.3. Deceased Persons Who Had Intellectual DisabilitiesStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.3.4. Persons Who Are Presumed DeadStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. 28.3.5. Persons Whose Church Membership Was Withdrawn or Who Resigned MembershipStake presidents and bishops teach members the doctrinal basis of temple work and ensure that members understand waiting periods and other policies related to temple work. Church Administration 29. Meetings in the Church 29.0. IntroductionLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.1. Planning and Conducting MeetingsLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.2. Ward Meetings 29.2.1. Sacrament MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.2.2. Fast and Testimony MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.2.3. Ward ConferenceLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.2.4. Bishopric MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.2.5. Ward Council MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.2.6. Ward Youth Council MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.2.7. Other Ward Meetings and ClassesLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.2.8. Schedules for Sunday MeetingsLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.2.9. Easter and ChristmasLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.3. Stake Meetings 29.3.1. Stake ConferenceLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.3.2. Stake General Priesthood MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.3.3. Stake Priesthood Leadership MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.3.4. Stake Leadership MeetingsLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.3.5. Stake Presidency MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.3.6. High Council MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.3.7. Stake Council MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.3.8. Stake Adult Leadership Committee MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.3.9. Stake Youth Leadership Committee MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.3.10. Stake Bishops’ Council MeetingLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.3.11. Other Stake MeetingsLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.4. Coordinating Council MeetingsLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.5. Funerals and Other Services for the Deceased 29.5. Funerals and Other Services for the DeceasedLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.5.1. General PrinciplesLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.5.2. Offering Assistance to the FamilyLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.5.3. Viewings (Where Customary)Latter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.5.4. Funeral Services (Where Customary)Latter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.5.5. Burial or CremationLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.5.6. Services for Those Who Are Not Members of the ChurchLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.6. Prayers in Church MeetingsLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.7. Streaming Meetings and Holding Virtual MeetingsLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.8. Photographs and Video Recordings of MeetingsLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 29.9. Interpreting for MeetingsLatter-day Saints meet together to worship, edify each other, and teach and learn the gospel. 30. Callings in the Church 30.0. IntroductionThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.1. Determining Whom to Call 30.1.1. General GuidelinesThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.1.2. Callings for New MembersThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.1.3. Callings for Those Who Are Not MembersThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.1.4. ConfidentialityThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.1.5. Recommendations and Approvals for CallingsThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.2. Extending a CallingThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.3. Sustaining Members in CallingsThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.4. Setting Apart Members to Serve in CallingsThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.5. Length of ServiceThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.6. Releasing Members from CallingsThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.7. Calling, Ordaining, and Setting Apart BishopsThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.8. Chart of Callings 30.8. Chart of CallingsThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.8.1. Ward CallingsThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.8.2. Branch CallingsThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.8.3. Stake CallingsThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.8.4. District CallingsThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 30.8.5. Military Service Member Group CallingsThe Lord calls men and women to serve in the Church through inspired invitations from His servants. These opportunities to serve are known as callings. 31. Interviews and Other Meetings with Members 31.0. IntroductionEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.1. Guiding Principles 31.1.1. Prepare SpirituallyEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.1.2. Help the Member Feel God’s LoveEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.1.3. Help the Member Draw upon the Savior’s PowerEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.1.4. Help the Member Feel Comfortable and SafeEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.1.5. Ask Inspired Questions and Listen CarefullyEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.1.6. Encourage Self-RelianceEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.1.7. Support Efforts to RepentEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.1.8. Respond Appropriately to AbuseEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.2. Interviews 31.2.1. Purposes of InterviewsEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.2.2. Types of InterviewsEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.2.3. Baptism and Confirmation InterviewsEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.2.4. Interviews for Ordination to an Office in the Aaronic PriesthoodEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.2.5. Temple Recommend InterviewsEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.2.6. Interviews for Ordination to an Office in the Melchizedek PriesthoodEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.3. Other Opportunities for Leaders to Meet with Members 31.3. Other Opportunities for Leaders to Meet with MembersEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.3.1. Meeting with YouthEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.3.2. Meeting with Young Single AdultsEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.3.3. Meeting with Members to Discuss Their Callings and ResponsibilitiesEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.3.4. Meeting with Members to Discuss Temporal Needs and Self-RelianceEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.3.5. Meeting with Members about Marriage and DivorceEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.3.6. Professional Counseling and TherapyEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 31.4. Meeting with Members VirtuallyEach stake president and bishop is “a judge in Israel” (Doctrine and Covenants 107:72). By this authority he conducts worthiness interviews and priesthood interviews. 32. Repentance and Church Membership Councils 32.0. IntroductionMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.1. Repentance and ForgivenessMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.2. Purposes of Church Membership Restrictions or Withdrawal 32.2. Purposes of Church Membership Restrictions or WithdrawalMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.2.1. Help Protect OthersMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.2.2. Help a Person Access the Redeeming Power of Jesus Christ through RepentanceMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.2.3. Protect the Integrity of the ChurchMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.3. The Role of Judges in IsraelMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.4. Confession, Confidentiality, and Reporting to Government Authorities 32.4.1. ConfessionMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.4.2. Serious Sins That Are Not Confessed or Are DeniedMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.4.3. Gathering InformationMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.4.4. ConfidentialityMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.4.5. Reporting to Government AuthoritiesMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.5. Settings for Helping a Person Repent 32.5. Settings for Helping a Person RepentMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.5.1. Overview of the SettingsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.5.2. Determining the Setting and TimingMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.6. Severity of the Sin and Church Policy 32.6. Severity of the Sin and Church PolicyMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.6.1. When a Membership Council Is RequiredMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.6.2. When a Membership Council May Be NecessaryMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.6.3. When the Stake President Counsels with the Area Presidency about Whether a Membership Council or Other Action Is NecessaryMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.6.4. When a Membership Council Is Not Normally NecessaryMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7. Circumstances of the Person 32.7. Circumstances of the PersonMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7.1. Magnitude of the SinMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7.2. Interests of the VictimMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7.3. Evidence of RepentanceMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7.4. Violation of Temple CovenantsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7.5. Position of Trust or AuthorityMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7.6. RepetitionMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7.7. Age, Maturity, and ExperienceMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7.8. Mental CapacityMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7.9. Voluntary ConfessionMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7.10. Time between Sin and ConfessionMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.7.11. Sins Involving Members Who Live in Different Wards or StakesMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.8. Personal Counseling and Informal Membership Restrictions 32.8. Personal Counseling and Informal Membership RestrictionsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.8.1. Personal CounselingMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.8.2. Helping People Address Addictions and Pornography UseMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.8.3. Informal Membership RestrictionsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.9. Participation and Responsibility 32.9. Participation and ResponsibilityMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.9.1. Stake PresidentMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.9.2. High CouncilMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.9.3. Bishop (or Branch President in a Stake)Most repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.9.4. Mission PresidentMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.9.5. District or Branch President in a MissionMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.9.6. Stake or Ward ClerkMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.9.7. Participation in Unusual CircumstancesMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.9.8. Determining Which Leader Holds a Council in Special CircumstancesMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.10. Procedures for Membership Councils 32.10.1. Give Notice and Prepare for the CouncilMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.10.2. Obtain Statements from VictimsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.10.3. Conduct the CouncilMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.11. Decisions from Membership Councils 32.11. Decisions from Membership CouncilsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.11.1. Remains in Good StandingMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.11.2. Personal Counseling with the Bishop or Stake PresidentMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.11.3. Formal Membership RestrictionsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.11.4. Withdrawal of MembershipMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.11.5. Questions about Deciding Difficult MattersMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.11.6. First Presidency AuthorityMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.12. Notifications and Announcements 32.12. Notifications and AnnouncementsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.12.1. Notifying a Person of the DecisionMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.12.2. Informing Others about a DecisionMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.12.3. Communicating Resignation of MembershipMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.13. Appeal of a DecisionMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.14. Reports and Membership Records 32.14.1. Report of Church Membership CouncilMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.14.2. Formal Church Membership RestrictionsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.14.3. Records after a Person’s Church Membership Is WithdrawnMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.14.4. Records after Readmission to the ChurchMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.14.5. Membership Records with AnnotationsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.14.6. Reporting Theft of Church FundsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.14.7. Move Restrictions on Membership RecordsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.14.8. Records of Those Who Are IncarceratedMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.14.9. Requests to Resign MembershipMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.15. Continue to MinisterMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.16. Removing Formal Restrictions or Being Readmitted to the Church 32.16.1. Membership Councils to Remove Formal Restrictions or Readmit a PersonMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.16.2. Being Readmitted after Resigning Church MembershipMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.17. Church Activity, Ordination, and Restoration of Blessings after Readmission 32.17.1. Church Activity and OrdinationMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 32.17.2. Restoration of BlessingsMost repentance takes place between an individual, God, and those who have been affected by a person’s sins. However, sometimes a bishop or stake president needs to help Church members in their efforts to repent. 33. Records and Reports 33.0. IntroductionAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.1. Overview of Church RecordsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.2. General Instructions for ClerksAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.3. Stake Records and Reports 33.3.1. Stake PresidencyAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.3.2. Stake ClerkAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.3.3. Assistant Stake ClerksAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.4. Ward Records and Reports 33.4.1. BishopricAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.4.2. Ward ClerkAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.4.3. Assistant Ward ClerksAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.4.4. Priesthood and Organization LeadersAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.5. Reports on Member Participation 33.5. Reports on Member ParticipationAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.5.1. Types of ReportsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.5.2. Membership ListsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6. Membership Records 33.6. Membership RecordsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.1. Names Used in Church RecordsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.2. Members of RecordAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.3. Records of New Ward MembersAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.4. Records of Members Who Move or Are Temporarily Away from HomeAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.5. Out-of-Unit Member RecordsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.6. Records of Members Serving outside Their Geographic WardAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.7. Records of Young Single AdultsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.8. Records of Members Who Live in Hospitals or Care FacilitiesAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.9. Records of Members in Military ServiceAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.10. Records of Members Who Have Intellectual DisabilitiesAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.11. Records of Members Who Are Deaf or Hard of HearingAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.12. Records of Adopted ChildrenAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.13. Records of Children of Divorced ParentsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.14. Records with AnnotationsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.15. Move Restrictions on Membership RecordsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.16. Records from the “Address Unknown” FileAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.17. Recording and Correcting Ordinance InformationAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.18. Recording and Correcting Civil InformationAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.6.19. Audits of Membership RecordsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.7. Historical Records 33.7.1. Ward and Stake HistoriesAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.7.2. Church HistoryAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.8. Confidentiality of RecordsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.9. Records Management 33.9. Records ManagementAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.9.1. ProtectionAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.9.2. RetentionAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.9.3. DispositionAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 33.10. Stake and Ward Technology SpecialistsAccurate records help Church leaders know members and identify their needs. 34. Finances and Audits 34.0. IntroductionChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.1. Stake Financial Leadership 34.1.1. Stake PresidencyChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.1.2. Stake ClerksChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.2. Ward Financial Leadership 34.2.1. BishopricChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.2.2. Ward ClerksChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.3. Contributions 34.3. ContributionsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.3.1. TithingChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.3.2. Fast OfferingsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.3.3. Missionary FundsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.3.4. Additional ContributionsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.3.5. PhilanthropiesChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.3.6. In-Kind Donations, Including TithingChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.3.7. Contributions Cannot Be RefundedChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.4. Confidentiality of Tithing and Other OfferingsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.5. Handling Church Funds 34.5. Handling Church FundsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.5.1. Companionship PrincipleChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.5.2. Receiving Tithing and Other OfferingsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.5.3. Verifying and Recording Tithing and Other OfferingsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.5.4. Depositing Tithing and Other OfferingsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.5.5. Safeguarding Church FundsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.5.6. Donation StatementsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.5.7. Managing Stake and Ward PaymentsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.5.8. Cash BoxesChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.5.9. Keeping Financial RecordsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.6. Budget and Expenditures 34.6. Budget and ExpendituresChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.6.1. Stake and Ward BudgetsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.6.2. Budget AllowanceChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.6.3. Funding Special Activities and EquipmentChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.7. Audits 34.7.1. Stake Audit CommitteeChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.7.2. Stake AuditorsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.7.3. The Financial AuditChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.7.4. Area Auditors and Assistant Area AuditorsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.7.5. Loss, Theft, Embezzlement, or Misappropriation of Church FundsChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.7.6. Stake Clerk or Assistant Stake Clerk Assigned to FinancesChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.7.7. For More InformationChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.8. Taxes 34.8. TaxesChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.8.1. Tax-Exempt StatusChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.8.2. Sales and Use TaxChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 34.8.3. Property TaxChurch funds are sacred and must be carefully accounted for and protected. 35. Care and Use of Meetinghouses 35.1. Purpose 35.2. Roles and Responsibilities 35.2.1. Meetinghouse Facilities Department 35.2.2. Church Facilities Manager 35.2.3. Area Seventy 35.2.4. Stake Presidency 35.2.5. Stake Building Representative 35.2.6. Stake and Ward Technology Specialists 35.2.7. Bishopric 35.2.8. Agent Bishop 35.2.9. Ward Building Representative 35.2.10. Members 35.3. Providing Meetinghouses 35.3. Providing Meetinghouses 35.3.1. Groundbreaking Services and Dedicating Buildings 35.4. Maintaining Meetinghouses 35.4.1. Cleaning and Maintaining Meetinghouses 35.4.2. Requesting Repairs 35.4.3. Meetinghouse Inspection 35.4.4. Energy and Water Conservation 35.4.5. Safety and Security 35.5. Policies on Using Church Meetinghouses 35.5. Policies on Using Church Meetinghouses 35.5.1. Basic Principles and Requirements for Using Church Meetinghouses 35.5.2. Church Use of Meetinghouses 35.5.3. Member Use of Meetinghouses—Personal and Family 35.5.4. Use of Church Meetinghouses by Nonprofit Organizations or by Other Groups or Individuals 35.5.5. Emergencies 35.5.6. Meetinghouse Uses That Are Not Allowed 35.5.7. Other Policies and Standards That Apply to All Uses 36. Creating, Changing, and Naming New Units 36.0. IntroductionChurch members belong to congregations based on where they live (see Mosiah 25:17–24). These congregations are necessary for organizing and doing the work of the Church under the proper priesthood authority. 36.1. Creating or Changing Stakes and DistrictsChurch members belong to congregations based on where they live (see Mosiah 25:17–24). These congregations are necessary for organizing and doing the work of the Church under the proper priesthood authority. 36.2. Creating or Changing Wards and Branches in StakesChurch members belong to congregations based on where they live (see Mosiah 25:17–24). These congregations are necessary for organizing and doing the work of the Church under the proper priesthood authority. 36.3. Creating or Changing Branches in MissionsChurch members belong to congregations based on where they live (see Mosiah 25:17–24). These congregations are necessary for organizing and doing the work of the Church under the proper priesthood authority. 36.4. Naming Church Units 36.4. Naming Church UnitsChurch members belong to congregations based on where they live (see Mosiah 25:17–24). These congregations are necessary for organizing and doing the work of the Church under the proper priesthood authority. 36.4.1. Naming Stakes and DistrictsChurch members belong to congregations based on where they live (see Mosiah 25:17–24). These congregations are necessary for organizing and doing the work of the Church under the proper priesthood authority. 36.4.2. Naming Wards and BranchesChurch members belong to congregations based on where they live (see Mosiah 25:17–24). These congregations are necessary for organizing and doing the work of the Church under the proper priesthood authority. 36.5. Implementing Proposed Changes 36.5.1. Stake and District ChangesChurch members belong to congregations based on where they live (see Mosiah 25:17–24). These congregations are necessary for organizing and doing the work of the Church under the proper priesthood authority. 36.5.2. Ward and Branch ChangesChurch members belong to congregations based on where they live (see Mosiah 25:17–24). These congregations are necessary for organizing and doing the work of the Church under the proper priesthood authority. 36.6. Basic Unit ProgramChurch members belong to congregations based on where they live (see Mosiah 25:17–24). These congregations are necessary for organizing and doing the work of the Church under the proper priesthood authority. 37. Specialized Stakes, Wards, and Branches 37.0. IntroductionA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.1. Language Wards and Branches 37.1. Language Wards and BranchesA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.1.1. Membership in a Language Ward or BranchA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.1.2. Leadership in a Language Ward or BranchA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.2. Young Single Adult Wards and Branches in a Geographic Stake 37.2. Young Single Adult Wards and Branches in a Geographic StakeA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.2.1. Membership in a Young Single Adult Ward or Branch in a Geographic StakeA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.2.2. Leadership in a Young Single Adult Ward or Branch in a Geographic StakeA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.3. Young Single Adult Stakes and Their Wards and Branches 37.3. Young Single Adult Stakes and Their Wards and BranchesA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.3.1. Membership in a Young Single Adult Stake and Its Wards or BranchesA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.3.2. Leadership in a Young Single Adult Stake and Its Wards or BranchesA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.4. Married Student Stakes and Wards 37.4. Married Student Stakes and WardsA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.4.1. Membership in Married Student Stakes and WardsA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.4.2. Leadership in Married Student Stakes and WardsA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.5. Single Adult Wards 37.5. Single Adult WardsA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.5.1. Membership in a Single Adult WardA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.5.2. Leadership in a Single Adult WardA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.6. Wards and Branches for Members in Special CircumstancesA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.7. Groups in Stakes, Missions, and AreasA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 37.8. Church Units at Military InstallationsA stake president may propose creating specialized stakes, wards, and branches to serve members. 38. Church Policies and Guidelines 38.1. Church Participation 38.1. Church ParticipationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.1.1. Attendance at Church MeetingsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.1.2. Becoming a Church MemberThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.1.3. Temple WorshipThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.1.4. Unmarried Member Participation and BlessingsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.1.5. Unwed Parents under Age 18This chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.2. Policies for Ordinances and Blessings 38.2. Policies for Ordinances and BlessingsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.2.1. Interpreting Ordinances and Blessings into Another LanguageThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.2.2. Photographs, Recordings, and Transcriptions of Ordinances and BlessingsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.2.3. Streaming OrdinancesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.2.4. Ordinances for Those Who Have Intellectual DisabilitiesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.2.5. Ordinances and Blessings Performed by and for Those Who Have Physical DisabilitiesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.2.6. Validating or Ratifying OrdinancesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.2.7. Naming and Blessing ChildrenThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.2.8. Baptism and ConfirmationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.2.9. Priesthood OrdinationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.2.10. Patriarchal BlessingsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.3. Civil Marriage 38.3. Civil MarriageThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.3.1. Who May Perform a Civil MarriageThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.3.2. Civil Marriage for Members from Other UnitsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.3.3. Civil Marriage for Those Who Are Not Members of the ChurchThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.3.4. Civil Marriages Held in Church BuildingsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.3.5. Civil Marriages That Must Be Performed by a Public Official or in a Public PlaceThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.3.6. Civil Marriage CeremonyThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.4. Sealing Policies 38.4. Sealing PoliciesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.4.1. Sealing of a Husband and WifeThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.4.2. Sealing Children to ParentsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.5. Temple Clothing and Garments 38.5.1. Temple ClothingThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.5.2. Obtaining Temple Clothing and GarmentsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.5.3. Garments and Temple Clothing for Members Who Have Disabilities or AllergiesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.5.4. Making Temple ClothingThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.5.5. Wearing the GarmentThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.5.6. Caring for the GarmentThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.5.7. Wearing the Garment in the Military, Fire Service, Law Enforcement, or a Similar AgencyThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.5.8. Medical Conditions That May Prevent Members from Wearing the GarmentThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.5.9. Disposing of Garments and Ceremonial Temple ClothingThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.5.10. Temple Burial ClothingThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6. Policies on Moral Issues 38.6. Policies on Moral IssuesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.1. AbortionThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.2. AbuseThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.3. Artificial InseminationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.4. Birth ControlThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.5. Chastity and FidelityThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.6. Child PornographyThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.7. Donating or Selling Sperm or EggsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.8. Female Genital MutilationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.9. Fertility TreatmentsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.10. IncestThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.11. In Vitro FertilizationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.12. The OccultThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.13. PornographyThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.14. PrejudiceThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.15. Same-Sex Attraction and Same-Sex BehaviorThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.16. Same-Sex MarriageThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.17. Sex EducationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.18. Sexual Abuse, Rape, and Other Forms of Sexual AssaultThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.19. Single Expectant ParentsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.20. SuicideThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.21. Surgical Sterilization (Including Vasectomy)This chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.22. Surrogate MotherhoodThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.6.23. Individuals Who Identify as TransgenderThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7. Medical and Health Policies 38.7.1. AutopsiesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.2. Burial and CremationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.3. Children Who Die before Birth (Stillborn and Miscarried Children)This chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.4. EuthanasiaThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.5. HIV Infection and AIDSThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.6. HypnosisThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.7. Individuals Whose Sex at Birth Is Not ClearThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.8. Medical and Health CareThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.9. Medical MarijuanaThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.10. Organ and Tissue Donations and TransplantsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.11. Prolonging Life (Including Life Support)This chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.12. Self-Awareness GroupsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.13. VaccinationsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.7.14. Word of Wisdom and Healthy PracticesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8. Administrative Policies 38.8.1. Adoption and Foster CareThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.2. Affinity FraudThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.3. Audiovisual MaterialsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.4. Autographs and Photographs of General Authorities, General Officers, and Area SeventiesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.5. BusinessesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.6. Church EmployeesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.7. Church MagazinesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.8. Church Name, Wordmark, and SymbolThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.9. Communications to Stake Presidents and Bishops from Church Employees and VolunteersThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.10. ComputersThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.11. Copyrighted MaterialsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.12. Curriculum MaterialsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.13. DirectoriesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.14. Dress and AppearanceThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.15. Extreme Preparation or SurvivalismThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.16. Fast DayThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.17. Gambling and LotteriesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.18. Guest Speakers or InstructorsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.19. ImmigrationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.20. InternetThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.21. Internet, Satellite, and Video EquipmentThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.22. Laws of the LandThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.23. Legal Counsel for Church MattersThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.24. Mailbox UseThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.25. Members’ Communication with Church HeadquartersThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.26. Members’ EmploymentThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.27. Members with DisabilitiesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.28. Ministering to Members Affected by Crime and IncarcerationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.29. Other FaithsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.30. Political and Civic ActivityThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.31. Privacy of MembersThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.32. Privately Published WritingsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.33. Recording, Transcribing, or Streaming Messages by General Authorities, General Officers, and Area SeventiesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.34. Referring to the Church and Its MembersThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.35. RefugeesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.36. Requests for Church Financial AssistanceThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.37. Research in the ChurchThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.38. Respecting Local Restrictions for Sharing the GospelThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.39. Safety in Church Welfare and Self-Reliance OperationsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.40. ScripturesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.41. Seeking Information from Reliable SourcesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.42. Seminars and Similar GatheringsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.43. Support to Members in Hospitals and Care CentersThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.44. Taxable ActivitiesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.45. TaxesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.8.46. Travel PoliciesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.9. Military Relations and Chaplain Services 38.9. Military Relations and Chaplain ServicesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.9.1. Stake Military Relations LeadershipThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.9.2. Ward Military Relations LeadershipThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.9.3. Military Service OrientationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.9.4. Church Units for Service MembersThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.9.5. Group Leaders in Remote Areas or War ZonesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.9.6. Missionary Service and Military ObligationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.9.7. Latter-day Saint ChaplainsThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.9.8. Wearing the Garment in the MilitaryThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.9.9. Senior Missionary CouplesThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies. 38.9.10. Other InformationThis chapter covers a variety of issues and Church policies.