undefined undefined Summary of Recent Updates
Handbooks and Callings
Summary of Recent Updates

“Summary of Recent Updates,” General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2025).

“Summary of Recent Updates,” General Handbook.

Summary of Recent Updates

February 2025

Chapter 6: Stake Leadership

  • Communication (Public Affairs) (added reference to the new resource Communication Councils: A Guide for Priesthood Leaders)

Chapter 8: Elders Quorum

  • 8.3.4. Secretary (clarified that attendance reports should include brothers serving in Primary and Young Men)

  • 8.3.5. Additional Callings and Assignments (revised title)

Chapter 9: Relief Society

  • 9.3.3. Secretary (clarified that attendance reports should include sisters serving in Primary and Young Women)

  • 9.3.4. Additional Callings and Assignments (revised title; added examples of possible assignments)

Chapter 12: Primary

  • 12.1.4. Classes (changed the name of the CTR 7 class to Valiant 7)

  • Gospel Learning (added a suggested schedule for nursery)

  • Service and Activities (added instruction about activities for all Primary children, including an annual service activity, and Valiant activities for children in Valiant 7–10 classes)

  • 12.3.6. Valiant Activity Leaders (revised title)

Chapter 14: Single Members

  • 14.2.4. Uniting Families for Eternity (updated language to reflect that temple ordinance workers and volunteers are now “temple workers”)

Chapter 15: Seminaries and Institutes of Religion

  • 15.2. Institute (clarified that young single adults are encouraged to attend institute classes, married young adults ages 18–35 are welcome to attend, and BYU–Pathway students are required to attend)

Chapter 18: Performing Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings

  • 18.10.3. Presenting a Member to Be Sustained before He Is Ordained (clarified who presents a brother for sustaining in sacrament meeting when he needs to be ordained before he can be presented in stake conference)

Chapter 20: Activities

  • 20.5.5. Overnight Activities (revised language)

Chapter 22: Providing for Temporal Needs and Building Self-Reliance

  • 22.0. Introduction (added reference to new examples and videos that illustrate key concepts from chapter 22)

  • 22.3. Pattern for Building Self-Reliance and Ministering to Those in Need (added reference to new examples and videos that illustrate key concepts from chapter 22)

  • 22.3.4. Minister to Those with Emotional Needs (added language allowing Relief Society and elders quorum presidents to initiate referrals to Family Services, where available)

  • 22.4. Principles for Providing Church Assistance (added reference to new examples and videos that illustrate key concepts from chapter 22)

  • 22.13. Church Resources (added language allowing Relief Society and elders quorum presidents to initiate referrals to Family Services, where available)

Chapter 24: Missionary Recommendations and Service

  • 24.3.5. Role of Family Members and Leaders in Preparing Missionaries (added information about a resource to use in a missionary preparation course)

Chapter 32: Repentance and Church Membership Councils

  • Misuse of Personal Data (new section; previous section is now

  • Chart. When a Membership Council Is Required or May Be Necessary (added references to, “Misuse of Personal Data”)

  • 32.15. Continue to Minister (broadened “indexing” to include other ways of volunteering in family history)

Chapter 33: Records and Reports

  • 33.9.1. Protection (added language that a membership council may be necessary in serious cases of misuse of personal data)

Chapter 37: Specialized Stakes, Wards, and Branches

  • 37.1. Language Wards and Branches (added contact information for support with creating a language stake)

Chapter 38: Church Policies and Guidelines

  • 38.2.6. Validating or Ratifying Ordinances (clarified guidelines about performing ordinances again)

  • A Membership Record Was Not Created or the Year Is Missing or Incorrect (clarified policy about validating baptisms, confirmations, and priesthood ordinations)

  • A Living Person’s Temple Ordinance Information Is Incorrect or Missing from His or Her Membership Record (new section; subsequent sections in 38.2.6 have been renumbered)

  • Ordinances Were Received out of Sequence (new section number shown; clarified that the stake president uses LCR to submit a request to the First Presidency)

  • The Ordinance Was Performed before the Appropriate Age (new section number shown; clarified policies)