Handbooks and Callings
Summary of Recent Updates

“Summary of Recent Updates,” General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2024).

“Summary of Recent Updates,” General Handbook.

Summary of Recent Updates

May 2024

Chapter 6: Stake Leadership

  • Melchizedek Priesthood (deleted a reference to the stake high priests quorum meeting, which will no longer be held)

  • 6.8. Stake Specialists (added interpretation coordinator to the list of optional stake specialists)

Chapter 10: Aaronic Priesthood Quorums

  • 10.3. Bishopric (changed “young men and young women” to “rising generation” [see 7.1])

Chapter 11: Young Women

  • 11.3.1. Bishopric (changed “young women and young men” to “rising generation” [see 7.1])

Chapter 12: Primary

  • 12.1. Purpose and Organization (updated the purpose of Primary)

  • 12.1.2. Primary Theme (moved the first paragraph to 12.3.5)

  • 12.1.3. Nursery (section moved from 12.1.5; new section number is shown; subsequent sections in 12.1 have been renumbered)

  • 12.1.4. Classes (new section number is shown; added a paragraph explaining the curriculum used in Primary classes)

  • 12.1.6. Children’s Sacrament Meeting Presentation (new section; information moved from

  • 12.1.7. Temple and Priesthood Preparation Meeting (new section; information moved from

  • Gospel Learning (moved “Children’s Sacrament Meeting Presentation” to 12.1.6 and “Temple and Priesthood Preparation Meeting” to 12.1.7)

  • Service and Activities (simplified the purposes of service and activities)

  • 12.3.3. Secretary (updated the wording of the bullet point about children who will advance from Primary)

  • 12.3.5. Teachers and Nursery Leaders (added the first paragraph, which was previously in 12.1.2; clarified curriculum for Primary)

Chapter 13: Sunday School

  • Responsibilities (updated information about recording Sunday School attendance)

  • 13.5. Improving Learning and Teaching in the Home (updated information about teacher council meetings for parents)

Chapter 15: Seminaries and Institutes of Religion

  • Chapter 15 has been revised to reduce the size of the chapter.

Chapter 16: Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ

  • Chapter 16 has been revised to reduce the size of the chapter.

Chapter 17: Teaching the Gospel

  • 17.4. Teacher Council Meetings (moved the paragraph about teacher council meetings for parents to 17.5)

  • 17.5. Teacher Council Meetings for Parents (new section)

Chapter 18: Performing Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings

  • 18.7.2. Baptismal Services (clarified planning confirmations of converts)

  • 18.8. Confirmation and Gift of the Holy Ghost (clarified that bishops hold keys for confirmations of 8-year-old children of record only; revised language to allow converts to be confirmed either at the baptismal service or in sacrament meeting)

Chapter 20: Activities

  • 20.5.5. Overnight Activities (clarified policies about overnight facilities)

  • 20.7.7. Travel (updated the policy about long-distance travel)

Chapter 22: Providing for Temporal Needs and Building Self-Reliance

  • Chapter 22 has been revised to reduce the size of the chapter.

  • 22.3.4. Minister to Those with Emotional Needs (added reference to Church resource Healing through the Savior: The Addiction Recovery Program)

  • 22.10.1. Resources Coordinated by the Stake (added reference to Healing through the Savior: The Addiction Recovery Program)

Chapter 23: Sharing the Gospel and Strengthening New and Returning Members

  • 23.1. Share the Gospel (added the video “Simple Ways to Love, Share, and Invite”)

  • 23.1.3. Invite (deleted three videos, which are replaced by new video in 23.1; added new paragraphs referring to “Unite with Members” in Preach My Gospel, inviting others, and sharing Church resources)

  • 23.4. Hold Weekly Coordination Meetings (moved section from 23.5.7; subsequent sections have been renumbered; title and section have been revised; added video)

  • 23.6.3. Ward Mission Leader (new section number is shown; revised bullet 5)

  • 23.6.5. Ward Council and Ward Youth Council (new section number is shown; revised list of resources)

  • 23.5.7. Coordination Meetings (deleted; section moved to 23.4)

Chapter 24: Missionary Recommendations and Service

  • 24.2.2. Young Service Missionaries (service missionaries now serve under the direction of a mission president, with the support of service mission leaders and the stake president)

  • 24.2.4. Senior Service Missionaries (stake presidents no longer “give” but “approve” assignments)

  • 24.2.5. Summary of Missionary Assignments (clarified that young service missionaries report to the mission president, through service mission leaders)

  • Repentance (added explanation that the stake president may counsel with the Area Presidency on questions about the length of time needed for repentance)

  • Financing Senior Missionaries Serving Away from Home (clarified information about housing contribution amounts and additional expenses)

  • 24.3.5. Role of Family Members and Leaders in Preparing Missionaries (added references to Adjusting to Missionary Life and the section “Use Technology Righteously” in chapter 2 of Preach My Gospel)

  • 24.4.3. Submitting Recommendations (changed when a stake president may submit a recommendation from 120 days before a candidate’s availability to 150 days; clarified bullet 3)

  • 24.4.4. Those Unable to Serve as Full-Time Missionaries (added contact information of Missionary Department)

  • 24.5.1. Temple Endowment and Temple Service (added language encouraging newly called missionaries to attend the temple as often as circumstances allow)

  • 24.7.1. Identifying Opportunities for Service Missionaries (clarified that service mission leaders identify service opportunities for young service missionaries; revised list of examples of service missionary opportunities)

  • 24.7.2. Housing and Transportation (clarified instructions about housing)

  • 24.7.3. Training and Supervision (added information about the roles of the stake president, mission president and his wife, and service mission leaders)

  • 24.7.5. Concluding a Service Mission (section revised and expanded)

  • 24.9.3. Contact Information (title has been revised; added contact information for the Service Mission Office)

Chapter 26: Temple Recommends

  • Temple Recommend Interview Questions (adjusted question related to wearing the temple garment)

  • Wearing the Temple Garment (updated statement on wearing the garment)

Chapter 27: Temple Ordinances for the Living

  • 27.4.4. Who May Attend a Sealing of Living Children to Parents (added clarification to the last paragraph)

Chapter 29: Meetings in the Church

  • Selecting Speakers (included children among those who may speak in sacrament meeting)

  • 29.3.5. Stake High Priests Quorum Meeting (deleted because the meeting will no longer be held; subsequent sections have been renumbered)

  • 29.7. Streaming Meetings and Holding Virtual Meetings (updated guidelines to allow members to save a copy of a streamed wedding or funeral)

  • 29.9. Interpreting for Meetings (new section)

Chapter 30: Callings in the Church

  • 30.8.1. Ward Callings (added “interpreters”)

  • 30.8.3. Stake Callings (added “stake interpretation coordinator”)

Chapter 32: Repentance and Church Membership Councils

  • 32.8.2. Helping People Address Addictions and Pornography Use (added reference to the Church resource Healing through the Savior: The Addiction Recovery Program; only the Church’s official program should be sponsored or hosted in Church buildings)

  • 32.16.1. Membership Councils to Remove Formal Restrictions or Readmit a Person (cross-reference to added to item 9e)

Chapter 33: Records and Reports

  • Chapter 33 has been revised to reduce the size of the chapter.

Chapter 36: Creating, Changing, and Naming New Units

  • 36.1. Creating or Changing Stakes and Districts (updated minimum requirements)

  • 36.2. Changing or Creating Wards and Branches in Stakes (updated minimum requirements)

Chapter 37: Specialized Stakes, Wards, and Branches

  • 37.1. Language Wards and Branches (updated minimum requirements)

  • 37.2. Young Single Adult Wards and Branches in a Geographic Stake (updated minimum requirements)

  • 37.3. Young Single Adult Stakes and Their Wards and Branches (updated minimum requirements)

  • 37.4. Married Student Stakes and Wards (updated minimum requirements)

  • 37.5. Single Adult Wards (updated minimum requirements)

Chapter 38: Church Policies and Guidelines

  • Sealing of Living Members after a Spouse’s Death (clarified that a living man may be sealed to a deceased wife “if she is not currently sealed to another man”)

  • Sealing of Deceased Persons (clarified that a deceased man may be sealed to living women to whom he was married only if they “are not currently married”)

  • 38.5.4. Making Temple Clothing (title has been revised; members may no longer make their own temple aprons)

  • 38.5.5. Wearing the Garment (updated statement on wearing the garment)

  • 38.6.9. Fertility Treatments (added cross-reference to for information about the sealing of children who are conceived by artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization)

  • 38.9.1. Stake Military Relations Leadership (added information about calling a military relations specialist)

  • 38.9.3. Military Service Orientation (title has been revised; updated information about this orientation)
