“Summary of Recent Updates,” General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2025).
“Summary of Recent Updates,” General Handbook.
Summary of Recent Updates
February 2025
Chapter 6: Stake Leadership
- Communication (Public Affairs) (added reference to the new resource Communication Councils: A Guide for Priesthood Leaders)
Chapter 8: Elders Quorum
8.3.4. Secretary (clarified that attendance reports should include brothers serving in Primary and Young Men)
8.3.5. Additional Callings and Assignments (revised title)
Chapter 9: Relief Society
9.3.3. Secretary (clarified that attendance reports should include sisters serving in Primary and Young Women)
9.3.4. Additional Callings and Assignments (revised title; added examples of possible assignments)
Chapter 12: Primary
12.1.4. Classes (changed the name of the CTR 7 class to Valiant 7)
- Gospel Learning (added a suggested schedule for nursery)
- Service and Activities (added instruction about activities for all Primary children, including an annual service activity, and Valiant activities for children in Valiant 7–10 classes)
12.3.6. Valiant Activity Leaders (revised title)
Chapter 14: Single Members
14.2.4. Uniting Families for Eternity (updated language to reflect that temple ordinance workers and volunteers are now “temple workers”)
Chapter 15: Seminaries and Institutes of Religion
15.2. Institute (clarified that young single adults are encouraged to attend institute classes, married young adults ages 18–35 are welcome to attend, and BYU–Pathway students are required to attend)
Chapter 18: Performing Priesthood Ordinances and Blessings
18.10.3. Presenting a Member to Be Sustained before He Is Ordained (clarified who presents a brother for sustaining in sacrament meeting when he needs to be ordained before he can be presented in stake conference)
Chapter 20: Activities
20.5.5. Overnight Activities (revised language)
Chapter 22: Providing for Temporal Needs and Building Self-Reliance
22.0. Introduction (added reference to new examples and videos that illustrate key concepts from chapter 22)
22.3. Pattern for Building Self-Reliance and Ministering to Those in Need (added reference to new examples and videos that illustrate key concepts from chapter 22)
22.3.4. Minister to Those with Emotional Needs (added language allowing Relief Society and elders quorum presidents to initiate referrals to Family Services, where available)
22.4. Principles for Providing Church Assistance (added reference to new examples and videos that illustrate key concepts from chapter 22)
22.13. Church Resources (added language allowing Relief Society and elders quorum presidents to initiate referrals to Family Services, where available)
Chapter 24: Missionary Recommendations and Service
24.3.5. Role of Family Members and Leaders in Preparing Missionaries (added information about a resource to use in a missionary preparation course)
Chapter 32: Repentance and Church Membership Councils
- Misuse of Personal Data (new section; previous section is now
Chart. When a Membership Council Is Required or May Be Necessary (added references to, “Misuse of Personal Data”)
32.15. Continue to Minister (broadened “indexing” to include other ways of volunteering in family history)
Chapter 33: Records and Reports
33.9.1. Protection (added language that a membership council may be necessary in serious cases of misuse of personal data)
Chapter 37: Specialized Stakes, Wards, and Branches
37.1. Language Wards and Branches (added contact information for support with creating a language stake)
Chapter 38: Church Policies and Guidelines
38.2.6. Validating or Ratifying Ordinances (clarified guidelines about performing ordinances again)
- A Membership Record Was Not Created or the Year Is Missing or Incorrect (clarified policy about validating baptisms, confirmations, and priesthood ordinations)
- A Living Person’s Temple Ordinance Information Is Incorrect or Missing from His or Her Membership Record (new section; subsequent sections in 38.2.6 have been renumbered)
- Ordinances Were Received out of Sequence (new section number shown; clarified that the stake president uses LCR to submit a request to the First Presidency)
- The Ordinance Was Performed before the Appropriate Age (new section number shown; clarified policies)