Handbooks and Callings
Using Selections from the General Handbook

“Using Selections from the General Handbook,” Selections from the General Handbook (2023)

“Using Selections from the General Handbook,” Selections from the General Handbook


Using Selections from the General Handbook

Selections from the General Handbook is a compilation of the most essential instructions from the full General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is for leaders who:

  • Do not yet have access to the full handbook in their preferred language.

  • Can benefit from a condensed version of the General Handbook.

The chapter, section, and subsection numbering used in Selections from the General Handbook matches the numbering used in the full General Handbook. This allows easy cross-referencing and comparing between them.

The numbering in Selections from the General Handbook will sometimes skip the numbers of sections or subsections in the full handbook. That is because this condensed handbook retains only the most essential content from the full handbook.

Although Selections from the General Handbook provides answers to many of leaders’ frequently asked questions, leaders will likely have some questions that it does not address or fully answer. In such cases, leaders may refer to the full General Handbook if it is available in a language they can use. Leaders may also counsel with their immediate presiding authority for guidance.

May God bless you as you join Him in the work of salvation and exaltation for His children.

The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles