Handbooks and Callings
9. Relief Society

“9. Relief Society,” Selections from the General Handbook (2023).

“9. Relief Society,” Selections from the General Handbook

women studying scriptures



Relief Society


Purpose and Organization



The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that the purpose of Relief Society is to save souls and relieve suffering.

The motto of Relief Society is “Charity never faileth” (1 Corinthians 13:8).


Membership in Relief Society

A young woman may begin attending Relief Society when she turns 18. By age 19 or when moving from home, such as to attend a university or serve a mission, she should participate in Relief Society.

Married women under 18 are also members of Relief Society.


Participating in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation


Efforts Magnified as Presidencies Work Together


Living the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Gospel Learning in Relief Society Meetings

Meetings are held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. They last 50 minutes. The Relief Society presidency plans these meetings. A member of the presidency conducts.

Relief Society meetings focus on topics in one or more talks from the most recent general conference.


Relief Society presidencies may plan activities. Most activities are held at times other than on Sundays or Monday evenings.


Caring for Those in Need


How to Care for Those in Need


Sisters receive ministering assignments from the Relief Society presidency. For more information, see chapter 21.

Short-Term Needs

Ministering sisters seek to understand and respond to the needs of those they serve. Members may need short-term assistance at times of illness, births, deaths, job loss, and other circumstances.

When needed, ministering sisters ask the Relief Society presidency for help.

Long-Term Needs and Self-Reliance

As coordinated by the bishop, the Relief Society and elders quorum presidencies help members with long-term needs and self-reliance.

The Relief Society president, elders quorum president, or another leader helps the person or family develop a Self-Reliance Plan.

When a Ward Member Dies

When a ward member dies, Relief Society and elders quorum presidencies offer comfort and assistance. Under the bishop’s guidance, they can help with the funeral.

For more information, see 38.5.8.


Inviting All to Receive the Gospel

The Relief Society president assigns a member of the presidency to help lead efforts to share the gospel in the ward. She works with the assigned member of the elders quorum presidency to coordinate these efforts (see 23.5.2).


Uniting Families for Eternity

The Relief Society president assigns a member of the presidency to help lead temple and family history work in the ward. She works with the assigned member of the elders quorum presidency to coordinate these efforts (see 25.2.2).


Helping Members Gain the Vision


Relief Society Leaders



The bishop usually meets with the Relief Society president at least monthly. They discuss God’s work of salvation and exaltation, including the service of ministering sisters.


Relief Society Presidency

Calling a Relief Society Presidency

The bishop calls a woman to serve as the ward Relief Society president. If the unit is large enough, she recommends to him one or two women to serve as her counselors.

Some small units may not have a Young Women or Primary president. In these units, the Relief Society president may help parents plan instruction for youth and children.


The Relief Society president has the following responsibilities. Her counselors assist her.

  • Serve on the ward council.

  • Lead the Relief Society’s efforts to participate in the work of salvation and exaltation (see chapter 1).

  • Organize and oversee the service of ministering sisters.

  • Under the bishop’s guidance, counsel with adult members of the ward.


    Counseling with Women in Times of Need

  • Coordinate the Relief Society’s efforts to strengthen young adult sisters in the ward, both single and married.

  • Meet with each member of Relief Society individually at least once a year.

  • Oversee Relief Society records, reports, and finances (see LCR.ChurchofJesusChrist.org).

Presidency Meeting

The Relief Society presidency and secretary meet regularly. The president conducts these meetings. The agenda could include the following items:

  • Plan how to strengthen sisters and their families.

  • Coordinate missionary work and temple and family history work.

  • Respond to assignments from ward council meetings.

  • Review information from ministering interviews.

  • Consider sisters to serve in Relief Society callings and assignments.

  • Plan Relief Society meetings and activities.



The Relief Society presidency may recommend a sister to serve as the Relief Society secretary.


Helping Young Women Prepare to Participate in Relief Society

The Relief Society presidency works with young women, their parents, and Young Women leaders to help young women prepare to participate in Relief Society.

Leaders also provide ongoing opportunities for young women and Relief Society sisters to develop relationships. Serving together as ministering sisters is one valuable way to make connections.


Additional Guidelines and Policies



As needed, the Relief Society presidency works with the bishop, elders quorum presidency, and ward council to help members learn to read and write.