Fapi Handbook nge Murwel ni Yibe Pii’
23. Pii’ fare Gospel nge Gelnag e Chongin nib Bi’ech nge Sul Bayay

“23. Pii’ fare Gospel nge Gelnag e Chongin nib Bi’ech nge Sul Bayay,” Tin nikan Me’eleg ulan fare General Handbook (2023).

“23. Pii’ fare Gospel nge Gelnag e Chongin nib Bi’ech nge Sul Bayay,” Tin nikan Me’eleg ulan fare General Handbook

Gidii’ be sap nga phone


Pii’ fare Gospel nge Gelnag e Chongin nib Bi’ech nge Sul Bayay



Pinning e gidii’ ni gubin ni nge thapeg e gospel e kabang ko muruwel’ rok’ Got ko wo’en e thap nge bin th’abi n’uf ngalang ko falfalaen’ (muguy ko 1.2 ulan ere handbook ney; Matthew 28:19–20). Nibay:

  • Rin’ e muruwel’ ko missonary nge pigpig ko pi missionary.

  • Ayuweg e chongin nib bi’ech nge sul bayay ulan e wo’en ko michmichen.


Pii’ fare Gosepl


New Guidelines to Help Members and Missionaries Gather Israel

Some guiding principles to improve the coordination of efforts by members and missionaries to gather Israel have been developed by the Church. The effort is called Love, Share, and Invite.



Ta’areb e rogon ni ngad dag e t’uf rodad nifan Got napan ni ngad adag nge pigpig ngak e bitir Rok’ (muguy ko Matthew 22:36–39; 25:40). Gadad ma guyrogon ningad t’uf nge pigpig woed nike rin’ Yesus Kristus. T’uf ney ma pii’ athamgil ngodad ni ngad ki’yag ngak urngin miit e tiluw, gidii’, nge pi yalen (muguy ko Acts 10:34; 2 Nephi 26:33).



Bachane ningad t’ufgad ngak Got nge pi Fak, gadad ba’adag ni ngad pii’ fapi tawa’ath ni ke pii’ ngodad (muguy ko John 13:34–35) nge ayuw ko mukun pi yu Isreal. Gadad ma guyrg om ni ngad athapgad (muguy ko Alma 36:24). Gadad be non marunga’agen e thathpegdad nge rogon ni nge thilyeg e yafos (muguy ko Doctrine and Covenants 60:2). Gadad ma weliy e pi’neyulan e rogon nib moem uthinlin e ngongol u yafos, online, nge reb e mitt e rogon ni ngad rin’ pi’nen.



Rangad meybil nifan e thogthog nge fonow marunga’agen e rogon ni nga pinning reb e bee’:

  • Moy nge guy fare tawa’ath nira thapeg ufithik’ Yesus Kristus, gosepl Rok’, nge Galasia Rok’ (muguy ko John 1:37–39, 45–46).

  • Moy nge ayuwegdad ni ngad pigpig ngak gidii’ ni bat’uf ayuw.

  • Moy nge un e Galasia nib sulyarmen rok’ Yesus Kristus.


Inviting Others to "Come and See"

People like being included. They just need to be invited. This video shows how invitations to "come and see" can be just a normal and natural part of everyday life for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Inviting Others to "Come and Help"

People want to help; often all they need is an invitation. This video depicts the ease of inviting people to lend a helping hand in church-related service opportunities for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Inviting Others to "Come and Stay"

When people feel welcome at church, they'll naturally want to stay. This video for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shows normal and natural ways to help visitors feel at home when they come to church for the first time.

Bo’or yay, pinning nibay yip’ fan ni ngad fek e tabinaw, pi fagar, nge buguliyoror nga tin gaba rin’ed.


Gelnag e Chongin nib Bi’ech

Gubin e chongin nib bi’ech bt’uf e fagar, rogon ni nge pigpig, nge fogloliy nib thothup. Bachane gadad e chongin Galasia, thingari pii’ fapi chongin nib bi’ech adag nge ayuw rodad (muguy ko Mosiah 18:8–10). Rayog ni ngad ayuweg ngorad ni ngar thamey e rayog ni ngar mang ulangin e Galasia. Gadad ma ayuwegrad mon’og ulan e wo’ nib micheg nge gelnag e “michaen’raed ngak’ Somoel” (Alma 23:6).


Gelnag e Chongin nibe Sul Bayay.

Boch e chongin nima dugiliyed ni ngar tal’ e tin ko Galasia. “Ya pi’in ni aram rogon,” nike yog fare Somoel, “ngam ululiyed e machib ni fan ngoraed; ya dam nanged ma richey me rebo rran mar suloed ngar kalgaed ngaen’raed, marbaed ngog u polo’ i gum’ircha’araed, mug ggol nagraed; me yaeni aw ni gimed tapgin me yog ni ngar thap gaed ko yafos” (3 Nephi 18:32).

Pi chongin ni dabi uned gubin e ngongol nira sul bayay fa’anra yad be thapeged e fagar nib chongin e Galasia. Woed e chongin nib bi’ech, yad bt’uf e fagar, rogon ni nge pigpig, nge fogloliy nib thothup.


Tiyugang’ ko Stake


Stake Presidency

Fare stake president nibay fapi kiy ulan e stake nifan e pii’ fare gospel nge gelnag e chongin nib bi’ech nge sul bayay. Ir nge pi counselor rok’ nima pii’ e fonow marunga’agen e muruwel ney.

Gubin e pul, fare stake president nima mada’ ngak e mission president ni ngar fal’eg e muruwel uthilin e pi tiyugang’ ko stake nge ward nge fapi missionary.


High Councilors

Fare stake presidency rayog ni nge pii’ e high councilor ni ngar fonow nge ayuweg pi elders quorum presidency nge tiyugang’ ko ward mission. Ta’areb fa bochi high councilor rayog ni ngar thapeged e muruwel’ ney ni ngar powi’iy e ngongol ney. Machane, gubin fapi high councilor ni bay e ngongol ney nifan e pi ward nge quorum nima un’ed.


Stake Relief Society Presidency

U tan pa’ fare stake president, fare stake Relief Society presidency nima fonow nge ayuweg fapi ward Relief Society presidency nifan e pii’ fare gospel nge gelnag e chongin nib bi’ech nge sul bayay.


Tapowi’iy ko Ward



Fare bishofric nira muruwel’ uta’abong ngak e elders quorum nge stake Relief Society presidency nifan e pii’ fare gospel nge gelnag e chongin nib bi’ech nge sul bayay. Gali tiyugang’ ma muruwel uta’abong bo’or yay.

Fare bishofric thingari non marunga’agen e muruwel’ ney ulan e ward council nge mo’olung ko ward youth council.

Fare bishof nima interview nag gubin e chongin nib bi’ech napan bay e duw nib fel’ nifan e temple recommend nira rin’ e tawfe nge confirmation nifan e gidii’ kar m’aed. (muguy ko 26.4.2). Ma nira interview nag e pumo’on nib fel’ e duw ni nge thapeg fare Aaronic Priesthood. Thingari rin’ e interview ney ulan bin somo’on e wiik e bee’ nike thapeg e confirmation.


Pi Presidency ko Elders Quorum nge Relief Society

Pi presidency ko elders quorum nge stake Relief Society nima powi’iy e muruwel’ ni gubin e rran nifan e pii’ fare gospel nge gelnag e chongin nib bi’ech nge sul bayay. (Muguy ko 8.2.3 nge 9.2.3).

Gali tiyugang’ nima fek e muruwel’ ney:

  • Pii’ athamgil ngak e chongin nira t’ufen e bitir rok’ Got, pii’ fare gospel, nge pinning e gidii’ nira thapeged e pi tawa’ath rok’ Somoel.

  • Mel’eg e pi fagar ko minstering nib pumo’on nge ppin nifan e chongin nib bi’ech nge sul bayay (muguy ko 21.2.1).

  • Powi’iy e muruwel’ rok e ward mission leader.

Gali president ko elders quorum nge Relief Society ma mel’eg e chongin ko presidency nira ayuweg e muruwel’ ney. Gali chon ko presidency ney nira muruwel’ uta’abong. Yoma un’ew e mo’olung ko tanom nag urngin e wiik (muguy ko 23.5.7).


Tapowi’iy ko Ward Mission

Fare bishofric ma non ngak e stake presidident fan’an e meleg ko muruwel’ rok ward leader. Cha’ney thanigari thapeged e Melchizeded Priesthood. Fa’anra dakiriy e tapowi’iy, ta’areb e choning ulan e elder quorum presidency rayog ni nge rrin’.

Tiyugang’ ko ward mission ma ayuweg fare elder quorum nge Relief Society presidency ulan e muruwel’ ko missionary. Muruwel rok:

  • Yarmiy e muruwel’ rok e pi chongin nge tiyugang’, fapi missionary ko ward, nge missionary ni gubin ngiyal’.

  • Powi’iy e mo’olung ko tanom nag urngin e wiik (muguy ko 23.5.7).


Fapi Missionary ko Ward

Missionary ko ward rayog ni nge ayuweg e chongin ko ward ni ngar thapeged e falfalaen’ ko pii’ fare gospel woed ne weliy u 23.1. Yad ma pigpig utan pa’ fare tiyugang’ ko ward mission fa chongin ko elders quorum presidency ni ra rin’ e muruwel’ ney.


Ward Council nge Ward Youth Council

Pii’ fare gospel nge gelnag e chongin nib bi’ech nge sul bayay thingari mang e dayif ko sabathin gubin yay ulan e mo’olung ko ward council. Fare bisof rayog ni nge pinning e tiyugang’ ko ward mission ni nge un e mo’olung ko ward council.

Pi babyor woed biney rayog ni nge ayuweg e sabathin ney:

Napan ni ngam non marunga’agen e pi’nen nibe t’uf e gidii’ nib yangren ulan e ward, fare ward youth council nira pii’ e ayuw ngak e chongin nib bi’ech nge sul bayay nge gidii’ nib yangren niba thapeg e machib rok’ e pi missionary.


Mo’olung ko Yarmiy

Gubin e wiik, bay e mo’olung nib achigchig nira buch nifan e gelnag e muruwel’ ko pii’ fare gospel nge gelnag e chongin nib bi’ech nge sul bayay. Fa’an ke pinning e tiyugang’ ko ward mission, ir ra powi’iy e mo’olung ney. Ara, ta’areb e choning ulan e elder quorum presidency rayog ni nge rrin’ e muruwel’ ney.

Gidii’ nikan pinning ni nge un ngay:

  • Pi chongin ulan e presidency ko Relief Society nge elders quorum ni kar thapeg e pinning.

  • Fapi Missionary ko Ward.

  • Assistant ulan e priest quorum (fa president ko teacher fa deacon quorum fa’andra dariy’ e priest ulan e ward).

  • Chongin ko presidency ulan e ulungi ko ppin nib fel’ yangren.

  • Pi missionary ni gubin ngiyal’.


Examples of Weekly Missionary Coordination Meetings

Examples from around the world of weekly missionary coordination meetings.