Handbooks and Callings
33. Records and Reports

“33. Records and Reports,” Selections from the General Handbook (2023).

“33. Records and Reports,” Selections from the General Handbook

men looking at computer


Records and Reports



Record keeping has always been important in the Lord’s Church. For example:

Adam kept “a book of remembrance” (Moses 6:5).

Moroni taught that the names of those who were baptized into the Church of Christ were recorded so “they might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God” (Moroni 6:4).

Joseph Smith instructed that a recorder should be called in every ward to “make a record of a truth before the Lord” (Doctrine and Covenants 128:2).


Overview of Church Records

Church records are sacred. The information in them is sensitive and should be safeguarded. Church record systems authorize access to membership information based on callings.

Records can help leaders:

  • Identify who may need special care.

  • Identify which ordinances a person has received or may need.

  • Locate members.

The following types of records are kept in Church units:

  • Member participation reports (see 33.5)

  • Membership records (see 33.6)

  • Historical records (see 33.7)

  • Financial records (see chapter 34)


General Instructions for Clerks

They should have a current temple recommend.

Clerks carefully follow current policies to safeguard Church funds and ensure that Church records are accurate. Clerks immediately notify priesthood leaders of any improprieties. If difficulties arise in resolving improprieties, clerks should contact the Confidential Records Office at Church headquarters.

Telephone: 1-801-240-2053 or 1-800-453-3860, extension 2-2053

Toll free (GSD phone): 855-537-4357

Email: ConfidentialRecords@ChurchofJesusChrist.org

The duration of clerks’ service should be sufficient for them to learn their duties and preserve continuity in their work. Because they are not members of the stake presidency or bishopric, they do not need to be released when a stake presidency or bishopric is reorganized.


Ward Records and Reports



The bishop oversees ward record keeping.


Ward Clerk

Every ward should have a qualified, functioning ward clerk. He is recommended by the bishopric and called and set apart by a member of the stake presidency or an assigned high councilor. He should hold the Melchizedek Priesthood and have a current temple recommend. He is a member of the ward council. He attends ward meetings as indicated in 29.2.

The ward clerk works under the direction of the bishopric. Assistant ward clerks may be called to help.

Record-Keeping Responsibilities

The ward clerk, or an assigned assistant clerk, has the following responsibilities:

  • Keep a record of assignments and decisions made in ward leadership meetings.

  • Ensure that records and reports are accurate and timely.

The ward clerk should become familiar with Church record-keeping tools (see 33.0). He uses these tools to help leaders identify:

  • The needs of members and organizations.

  • The availability of resources, including finances.

Ward clerks encourage members to report any errors in their membership information.

Other record-keeping duties may include:

  • Ensuring that ordinances are properly and promptly recorded.

  • Preparing the Officers Sustained form for ward conference.

  • Recording information for ward membership councils.

  • Maintaining financial records (see 34.2.2).


Reports on Member Participation

Reports on member participation help leaders focus on the progress and needs of members.


Types of Reports

Attendance Reports

Attendance at sacrament meetings and Sunday priesthood and organization meetings is recorded electronically using LCR or Member Tools.

Sacrament Meeting. Attendance at sacrament meeting is recorded each week by the ward clerk or an assistant ward clerk. The count is the number attending the meeting in-person or by streaming, including visitors.

Sunday Quorum and Organization Meetings. Attendance is recorded each week by quorum and organization secretaries and advisers. Youth leaders may also assist in recording attendance. The count is the number attending the meeting in-person or by streaming, including visitors. Members who are serving in the Primary or as youth leaders within the ward are also included as attending.

The ward clerk can record attendance on behalf of any organization.

Ministering Interview Reports

See 21.3.

Quarterly Report

Every number in a report represents an actual person who has unique needs (see Helaman 15:13).

The Quarterly Report contains useful information that can provide leaders with insights as they seek inspiration about their ministering efforts.

Stake and ward leaders refer to the Quarterly Report regularly to review progress of individuals.

Every ward completes and submits a Quarterly Report to Church headquarters. The clerk reviews the report with the bishop and submits it before the 15th of the month following the end of each quarter.


Membership Lists

Church record-keeping tools provide leaders with access to membership lists. These lists can help leaders identify:

  • Which members have not yet received ordinances for which they are eligible.

  • Which young men and young women are eligible to serve a mission.

  • Which youth do not have a current temple recommend.

  • Which youth need to be scheduled for meetings with a member of the bishopric.

Quorum and organization leaders should have access to lists of those who belong to their quorum or organization.


Membership Records

Membership records include members’ names, contact information, ordinance details, and other vital information.

Membership records should be kept in the ward where the member lives. Exceptions, which should be rare, require the consent of the bishops and stake presidents involved. To request an exception, the stake president uses LCR to submit the request to the Office of the First Presidency.

It is vital to do the following promptly:

  • Record ordinance information.

  • Move records of members who move into or out of the ward.

  • Create records for new members and new children of member parents.

  • Record a member’s death.

  • Record marriage and household information.

The bishop or stake president ensures that a membership record is in the appropriate ward before a member is interviewed to receive:

  • A Church calling.

  • A temple recommend.

  • The Melchizedek Priesthood or to be ordained to an office in that priesthood.

He also ensures that the record does not include any of the following:

  • An annotation

  • A comment about a sealing or ordinance restriction

  • Formal membership restrictions

Under no circumstances may membership records be given or shown to anyone other than the bishop or a clerk.

Members may view membership information for themselves and for any dependent children living at home on the Member Tools app. They may also request printed copies of their Individual Ordinance Summaries from the clerk. If errors are found, a clerk ensures that they are corrected on the membership records.


Names Used in Church Records

A person’s full legal name, as defined by local law or custom, should be used in membership records and on ordinance certificates.


Members of Record

The following individuals are members of record and should have a membership record:

  • Those who have been baptized and confirmed

  • Those under age 9 who have been blessed but not baptized

  • Those who are not accountable because of intellectual disabilities, regardless of age

  • Unblessed children under age 9 when both of the following apply:

    • At least one parent or one grandparent is a member of the Church.

    • Both parents give permission for a record to be created. (If only one parent has legal custody of the child, the permission of that parent is sufficient.)

A person age 9 or older who has a membership record but has not been baptized and confirmed is not a member of record. However, the ward in which the person lives retains the membership record until the person is 18. At that time, if the person chooses not to be baptized, the bishop cancels the membership record. The stake president’s permission is required.

Records are not canceled for those who have not been baptized because of an intellectual disability unless requested by the person or a legal guardian, including a parent.


Records of New Ward Members

The ward clerk or an assistant ward clerk contacts new ward members soon after their membership records arrive to review the Individual Ordinance Summary for accuracy.


Records of Members Serving outside Their Geographic Ward

Records of Full-Time Missionaries



Records of Children of Divorced Parents

All membership records use the legal name of a person, as defined by local law or custom. This includes children of parents who are divorced.

Children with divorced parents often attend Church meetings in both parents’ wards. While only one unit may keep and update a child’s official membership record, an out-of-unit member record may be created in the other ward he or she attends. This allows the child’s name and contact information to be included on ward lists and class rolls.

Children with an out-of-unit member record may receive a calling in that unit.


Move Restrictions on Membership Records

If a member moves while formal membership restrictions or another serious concern is pending, the bishop or an authorized clerk may place a move restriction on the membership record. He uses LCR to do this.

A record that has a move restriction is not moved to a new unit until the priesthood leader who placed the restriction authorizes it to be removed.


Recording and Correcting Ordinance Information

See chapter 18.


Audits of Membership Records

Each year the stake clerk or an assistant stake clerk ensures that an audit of membership records is conducted in each ward using LCR. Audits should be completed by June 30 of each year.


Historical Records


Ward and Stake Histories

The Lord has commanded that “a history of all the important” matters concerning His Church be written and kept (Doctrine and Covenants 69:3; see also verse 5; Alma 37:2).

Each unit in the Church is to document all the important matters concerning the unit.

Keeping a history is a spiritual work that will strengthen the faith of those who write and read it.

Stake and ward priesthood and organization leaders contribute stories using the Unit History tool on ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Stake and ward clerks have the primary responsibility to organize and coordinate this effort. Additional instructions are available in the tool’s Quick Start Guide.


Confidentiality of Records

The records of the Church are confidential, whether they exist on paper or digitally. These include:

  • Membership records.

  • Financial records.

  • Notes from meetings.

  • Official forms and documents (including records of membership councils).

Leaders ensure that information that is gathered from members is:

  • Limited to what the Church requires.

  • Used only for approved Church purposes.

  • Given only to those who are authorized to use it.

Information that is stored electronically must be kept secure and protected appropriately (see 33.9.1).


Records Management



All Church records, reports, and data should be protected against unauthorized access, change, destruction, or disclosure. This information should be kept in a safe place.

Lost or stolen Church-owned devices or storage media should be reported promptly at incidents.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Misuse of Church information should also be reported.

Usernames and Passwords

Stake presidents, bishops, and other leaders should never share their Church username and password with counselors, clerks, executive secretaries, or others.

Data Privacy

Many countries have enacted data protection laws that regulate the processing of personal data. This includes the information in membership records and other Church records that identify individuals. Leaders who have questions about the application of data protection laws to the local management of Church records may contact the Church data privacy office at DataPrivacyOfficer@ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
