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Hedendaagse profeten

Hedendaagse profeten

  1. Joseph Smith

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 1–66

    Half-length portrait of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. The Prophet is depicted wearing a white shirt and brown coat.
  2. Brigham Young

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 11, 66–91

    Formal head and shoulders portrait of Brigham Young. He is depicted in his seventies wearing a wearing a dark suit and vest, (painted probably by photograph and aided by Clawson's memory) with a long beard.
  3. John Taylor

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 93–98

    Frontal head and shoulders portrait of John Taylor wearing dark suit, white shirt and white bow-tie.
  4. Wilford Woodruff

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 98–102

    Painted portrait of Wilford Woodruff.
  5. Lorenzo Snow

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 103–104

    Full-length portrait of Lorenzo Snow. He is depicted wearing a black suit, sitting in a tall wooden chair holding a scroll in his lap. The setting is an interior of a room with paintings on the wall, desk and books.
  6. Joseph F. Smith

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 105–107

    Portrait of LDS Church President Joseph F. Smith. President Smith is depicted seated in a chair with his hands folded in front of him.
  7. Heber J. Grant

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 107–110

    A portrait by C. J. Fox of President Heber J. Grant in a black suit and blue tie sitting in a chair.
  8. George Albert Smith

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 110–114

    Semi-profile portrait of President George Albert Smith.
  9. David O. McKay

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 114–119

    Portrait of President David O. McKay. President McKay is depicted seated in a chair, and wearing a dark blue suit. He has his hands clasped together.
  10. Joseph Fielding Smith

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 121–123

    Portrait of President Joseph Fieldling Smith standing by a chair, one hand on the back of the chair and the other hand resting on a stack of books on a table. There is a bookcase in the background.
  11. Harold B. Lee

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 123–124

    Portrait of LDS Church President Harold B. Lee. President Lee is depicted seated in a leather chair. He is holding a copy of the scriptures in his hands. A wood paneled wall is in the background.
  12. Spencer W. Kimball

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 124–131

    A painted portrait of President Spencer W. Kimball in a black suit, white shirt, and red tie, holding an open book.
  13. Ezra Taft Benson

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 133–136

    Portrait of President Ezra Taft Benson
  14. Howard W. Hunter

    Ons erfgoed, pp. 136–139

    Portrait of President Howard W. Hunter. He is sitting in a leather chair. There is wood paneling in the background.
  15. Gordon B. Hinckley

    Supplement bij de Ensign, maart 2008, pp. 2–13; Supplement bij de Liahona, april 2008, pp. 2–13

    Frontal half-length portrait of President Gordon B. Hinckley. President Hinckley's hands are resting on the back of a chair. The image is the official Church portrait of President Hinckley as of 1995. This was President Hinckley's last official portrait. President Hinckley died 27 January 2008.
  16. Thomas S. Monson

    Supplement bij de Ensign en de Liahona, juni 2008, pp. 2–16

    Monson, Thomas S.
