Gospel Language Symbols Introduction to Gospel Language Symbols Aaronic Priesthood Abraham Abrahamic covenant accept, take upon accountable, responsible Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Activities (Church) Adam administer the sacrament administer to the sick administer adultery adversity advise, counsel age of accountability agency Almighty God altar amen angel anoint Another Testament of Jesus Christ apostasy, astray Apostle approach, near area (administrative area) Area Presidency Area President armor of God Articles of Faith ascension Atonement of Jesus Christ authority, authorize avoid baptism by immersion baptism for the dead baptism baptismal covenant baptismal font behold believe, belief Beloved Son benediction, closing prayer Bethlehem Bible bishop, branch president bishopric, branch presidency bishops’ storehouse blasphemy blessing blessings of the priesthood bondage, slavery Book of Mormon born again, spiritual rebirth born in the covenant Bridegroom Brigham Young a broken heart and a contrite spirit brother burden call, calling (to serve in the Church) Calvary, Golgotha cast out evil celestial kingdom challenges change of heart chapel chapter character, attribute charity never faileth charity chastity children and youth choice and accountability choir choose the right chosen by the Lord Christian Christlike The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints church cleansed from sin clerk come unto Christ Comforter command, order commandment commissioned commit, commitment condemn, condemnation conduct confess, admit confidential conscience consecrated oil consecration consequence, consequences contention, strife contributions (of time or talents) contrite convert, conversion cornerstone council counselor covenant people create, creation, form crucifixion, crucify curse, swear, profanity cut off, disconnected damnation deacon (office in the Aaronic Priesthood) dedicate, dedication developing talents devil, Satan, adversary devotional discern, discernment disciple disobedience, disobey dispensation of the fullness of time dispensation divine nature Doctrine and Covenants doctrine Easter education elder elect, chosen endowment endure to the end ensign, an ensign to eternal marriage faith, faithful faith, hope, charity Fall of Adam and Eve The Family: A Proclamation to the World family home evening family fellowship, friendship fidelity final judgement firmament First Presidency First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel First Vision firstborn flesh and bone follow the prophet For the Strength of Youth Conference For the Strength of Youth Guide For the Strength of Youth Magazine forbidden fruit foreordain forever, infinite forgive, pardon, excuse forsake your sins foundation fulfill, satisfy, fulness full-time missionary full-tithe payer fulness of the gospel Galilee Garden of Eden Gethsemane gift of the Holy Ghost Godhead gratitude healing the sick Heavenly Father high priest (office in the Melchizedek Priesthood) hope hymn invocation (opening prayer) Jesus Christ Joseph Smith knowledge living prophet a marvelous work and a wonder Melchizedek Priesthood ministering mission (a unit of the Church) mission leaders mission presidency mission president missionaries, elders missionaries, sisters missionary work ordination to the priesthood patriarch (office in the Melchizedek Priesthood) pioneer Plan of Salvation and Exaltation pray President of the Church Presiding Bishop Presiding Bishopric priest (office in the Aaronic Priesthood) priesthood keys priesthood leader priesthood ordinances priesthood Primary General Advisory Council prophets, seers, and revelators punish, punishment Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Relief Society General Advisory Council repentance revelation reverence sabbath sacrament Second Coming senior missionary couple service Seventy (office in the Melchizedek Priesthood) sister Son of Man stake, district stake presidency, district presidency stake president, district president sustain to a calling in the Church teacher (office in the Aaronic Priesthood) telestial kingdom temple president temple recommend temple The Ten Commandments terrestrial kingdom testimony tithing tree of life veil ward, branch Word of Wisdom worldwide church young men Young Women General Advisory Council young women