“Center Your Life on Jesus Christ,” Topics and Questions (2023)
Seeking Answers to Your Questions
Center Your Life on Jesus Christ
Faith in Jesus Christ is vital to our pursuit of answers to life’s most challenging questions. We often think of faith as a strong belief. But faith is more than belief. It involves trust, confidence, and loyalty. When we have challenging questions or concerns, we can always turn to Jesus Christ. Our faith will grow as we listen to His words, follow His teachings, and strive to love others the way that He loved.
President Russell M. Nelson taught that “peace can come to your soul as you build faith in the Prince of Peace.” Here are some things to remember:
Jesus Christ is the sure foundation for our faith. In our daily lives, we place our faith in many people and institutions. These include family members, friends, governments, and employers. But Jesus Christ is the only person we can fully trust with our hope for peace and salvation. The Church was established to bring people to Him. You can fully trust Jesus Christ, even when you are struggling with other aspects of your faith.
Jesus Christ has perfect empathy. Our deepest trials can draw us closer to the Savior. No one other than Christ can fully empathize with our struggles. He wept with those He served. He experienced loneliness, anguish of spirit, and even the withdrawal of His Father’s presence. You can turn to Him and find understanding and compassion.
God’s plan of salvation provides perspective. Many of our questions look different when we keep Heavenly Father’s plan in view. “Because of our knowledge of this plan,” taught President Dallin H. Oaks, “we start with different assumptions than those who do not share our knowledge. As a result, we reach different conclusions on many important subjects.” Examining our questions with the plan of salvation in view can help us see our concerns with an eternal perspective.
There are primary and secondary questions. Sometimes we have questions or concerns related to historical events, Church teachings and policies, or human failures. Finding peace with such questions deserves our honest effort. But it’s important to distinguish core gospel truths from things that aren’t as essential. Joseph Smith taught that “all other things are only appendages” to the truths surrounding the Savior’s saving mission.
Choose faith. Gaining spiritual knowledge requires that “we walk by faith, not by sight.” If we wait until we have tangible proof of spiritual things, we will never begin the process of developing faith in Jesus Christ. Elder Dale G. Renlund taught, “For faith to grow, one must choose to have faith. One must desire to have faith. One must act in faith.”
Hold fast to what you know. When you feel unsure of your faith, “hold fast to what you already know,” counseled Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “and stand strong until additional knowledge comes.” Trust your past spiritual experiences. They are evidence that God rewards your faith in Jesus Christ with spiritual assurance.
Key scriptures: Romans 8:35, 37–39; 2 Nephi 4:34–35; Mosiah 4:9; Helaman 5:12
Center Your Life on Jesus Christ
Center Your Life on Jesus Christ--Nadia's Story