
“Introduction,” Helping Others with Their Questions (2022)

“Introduction,” Helping Others with Their Questions


men talking

When a fellow Latter-day Saint approaches you with questions or concerns about their faith, consider it a sacred privilege. You have an opportunity to deepen your relationship with them and minister to their needs. You don’t have to have answers to all their questions. Just a willingness to love, listen, and help.

Some have questions or concerns but remain active in the Church and find joy in the gospel. Others distance themselves from the Church for a variety of reasons. Some eventually return to full activity. Many undergo a process of rebuilding their faith, with the result that faith and full activity mean something different to them. Others withdraw more permanently from the Church, though they may choose to maintain close connections with family and friends who remain active participants. Regardless of their choices, your relationship can remain an influence for good in their lives. A faithful friend or family member can serve as a beacon should they seek a way back to a life of faith and Church activity.

The following guiding principles will help you minister in love to those who have questions:

Respond with love. Anxiety, fear, or sadness are normal reactions to someone sharing doubts or concerns. Don’t let those feelings prevent you from responding with love, kindness, and compassion. Try to see others as the Lord sees them and reassure them that you still value your relationship.

Listen with humility. People will reach out to you because they love and trust you. Listen humbly as they share what they are feeling. Avoid dismissing their experiences or being critical. Ask questions and seek to understand their feelings. Help them know that they can continue to come to you as they seek knowledge and peace.

Trust in the Lord. We often feel fear and anxiety when a loved one shares questions or concerns about their faith. But you’re not alone in trying to help them. God loves all His children and is aware of their challenges. You can trust that He is wise, loving, and patient. He will always work to draw His children back to Him.

Nourish your own faith. Helping lift another’s burdens can stretch us in unexpected ways. It’s important to strengthen your own faith. Do things you know will bring you closer to your Savior, such as studying the scriptures, praying, and serving others. Establish boundaries to protect your growing testimony, and don’t be afraid to reach out to others for help.

Assist them throughout their journey. You can best help others when you choose to walk beside them rather than try to fix them. Recognize that the journey may take time. You can help along the way by pointing them to helpful resources, being a Christlike example, and sharing how living the gospel brings you joy. Find ways to do good together and continue to strengthen your relationship.
