Assist Them throughout Their Journey

“Assist Them throughout Their Journey,” Helping Others with Their Questions (2022)

“Assist Them throughout Their Journey,” Helping Others with Their Questions

Assist Them throughout Their Journey

Asking sincere questions is part of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Become more familiar with skills and principles for seeking answers and helping others with their questions.

two women talking

People who struggle with questions about their faith can sometimes resolve their concerns quickly and move on. For many, the struggle takes time. Your love, encouragement, and willingness to journey together can help them grow in confidence and hope.

Continue to live the gospel while you help your friend or loved one on their journey. Your different paths can intertwine instead of leading you apart. “Our life journeys are individual,” taught Elder Gerrit W. Gong, “but we can come again to God our Father and His Beloved Son through trust in God, each other, and ourselves.”1 Here are some principles for supporting and encouraging others:

Be a safe source for discussion.When a friend or family member brings their questions to you, they probably aren’t looking for someone to fix a problem but rather a loved one who is willing to walk beside them on their journey. Be sympathetic to their quest for understanding. Let them know you will continue to care about them regardless of their concerns and choices.

Help them seek answers.One way to help may be by sharing the principles discussed in the “Seeking Answers” section of this resource. Help your friend or family member find materials published by the Church on common questions, and be willing to talk about these resources with them. Encourage them to read faithful perspectives on challenging questions as a central part of their study. When prompted by the Spirit, remind them of helpful scriptures, and encourage them to continue praying.

Be a Christlike example.One of the best ways to share the gospel is to show Christlike love and to live a life of goodness. As you stay faithful and keep your covenants, you demonstrate the joy of living the gospel to those you help. They may choose not to listen to your counsel or testimony, but they will be influenced by your example of sincere love and faithfulness.

Build on common ground.You can keep your relationship strong by taking time to build on beliefs and interests you have in common. Avoid making their questions the focus of all your interactions. Just because they struggle with some things doesn’t mean they have rejected everything. Continue participating in hobbies or other activities you have shared in the past. In the process, you might discover new things to explore and share together.

Find ways to do good together.You might invite your friend or family member to join you as you act on principles of the gospel that bring you joy. You could ask them to serve others with you, participate in an uplifting activity, or strengthen your community together. You both want to improve the world around you, regardless of their questions of faith. Find areas of light and goodness to enjoy together.

Recognize that this may take time.When someone close to us has concerns or questions about their faith, we might hope that a convincing argument or heartfelt testimony will quickly resolve things. The truth is that there’s rarely a quick solution to spiritual concerns or questions. Be prepared to take a longer journey with them. Give them time and space to grow. Recognize that the way they express their faith may look different to you than it did in the past.

Key scriptures: Isaiah 35:3–4; Galatians 6:2; 1 Peter 3:15; Mosiah 18:9; Doctrine and Covenants 11:21

placeholder for video of a member story reflecting on these principles


  1. Gerrit W. Gong, “Trust Again,” general conference, Oct. 2021.
