Go Forth with Faith


Go Forth with Faith



1. Go forth with faith to tell the world

Of Jesus Christ, the Lord.

Bear witness he is God’s own Son;

Proclaim his wondrous word.

Go forth with hope and courage strong

To spread the word abroad

That people of all nations

Are children of our God.

2. Go forth with love to tell the world

The joy of families—

That we may be with those we love

Thru all eternity.

Go forth to serve and do your best

With no thought of reward;

Then you shall know the boundless joy

Of serving Christ, the Lord.

3. Go forth with pow’r to tell the world

The gospel is restored,

That all may gain eternal life

Thru Jesus Christ, the Lord.

Go forth to preach his glorious truths

Of peace, of joy, and love,

That all who heed his holy word

May praise the Lord above.

Text: Ruth M. Gardner, 1927–1999. © 1985 IRI

Music: Lyall J. Gardner, b. 1926. © 1985 IRI

Doctrine and Covenants 42:6

Matthew 24:14