Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah


Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah

With energy

1. Saints, behold how great Jehovah

Hath his blessings on you shed.

Zion ev’rywhere is growing

As the gospel light is spread!

2. Out of all past dispensations,

God is bringing into one

Ev’ry truth by prophets spoken,

For the last days have begun.

3. Rise and lift up Zion’s standard;

Tell our Father’s children now:

Heaven’s blessed King approaches;

All men must before him bow.

Text: Douglas W. Stott, b. 1925. © 1985 IRI

Music: A. Laurence Lyon, 1934–2006. © 1985 IRI

Doctrine and Covenants 64:41–42

Doctrine and Covenants 133:37–38
