undefined undefined ’Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky
’Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky


’Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky


1. ’Twas witnessed in the morning sky:

An angel earthward bound.

This messenger proclaimed anew

The gospel’s joyful sound.

In pow’r it would be preached on earth

By men of God ordained;

All men, all tongues, all nations would

Accept and praise his name.

2. In ancient days the gospel plan

Was giv’n of God to men;

In latter days the gospel is

Restored to earth again.

By holy prophets long proclaimed,

By Saints and seers adored,

It speaks the everlasting truths

Of Jesus Christ, the Lord.

3. Apostles of a former day

To modern prophets came;

They brought the priesthood of our Lord

To bless the earth again.

The pow’rs of heav’n are opened wide

To men of God below;

The knowledge, gifts, and keys are ours,

All blessings to bestow.

Text: Adapted by G. William Richards, 1918–2005. © 1985 IRI

Music: H. Walford Davies, 1869–1941, alt. Based on the tune SOLEMN MELODY.

Reproduced by permission of Novello and Company Limited, Making copies without written permission of the copyright owner is prohibited.

Joseph Smith—History 1:30–34, 68–72

Doctrine and Covenants 128:20–21