Latter-day Saint History: Joseph F. Smith–Present (Kalasi Fakalotu 343)

Latter-day Saint History: Joseph F. Smith—Present (Kalasi Fakalotu 343)

Laukonga ʻa e Tokotaha Akó

Fakatokanga ki he kau akó: ʻOku ʻikai fie maʻu ke ke lau ha taha ʻo e ngaahi nāunau kuo fokotuʻu atú ʻoku ʻikai maʻu ʻi hoʻo lea fakafonuá.

Vahe 36: Ko e Siasí ʻi he Kamataʻanga ʻo e Senituli Uofulú

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual, 465–78.

Vahe 37: Ko e Laka Atu Ki He Senituli Foʻoú

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual, 481–93.

Vahe 38: Ko e Liliú mo e Taʻefeliliuakí

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual, 495–508.

Vahe 39: Ko e Siasí lolotonga e Taimi Faingataʻa Lahí

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual, 509–20.

Vahe 40: Ko e Kāingalotú Lolotonga e Tau Lahi ʻa Māmani Hono II

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual, 522–34.

Vahe 41: Ko e Fakaakeake Hili ʻa e Taú

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual, 535–48.

Vahe 42: Ko e Tupulaki ki ha Siasi Fakamāmani Lahi

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual, 550–61.

Vahe 43: Ko Ha Kuonga ʻo e Fakafekauʻakí mo e Fakamāʻopoʻopó

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual, 562–77.

Vahe 44: ʻOku Fakalahi ʻe he Siasí Hono Ngataʻangá

Vahe 45: Ko Hono Fakatōliʻa e Ngaahi Fie Maʻu ʻo ha Siasi Fakamāmani Lahi

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual, 591–99.

Vahe 46: Ko ha Vahaʻataimi ʻo e Faingataʻá mo e Tupulakí

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual, 601–14.

Vahe 47: Ko e Hokohoko atu ke Tupulakí Lolotonga e Ngaahi Taʻu 1990 tupú

  • Church History in the Fulness of Times Student Manual, 616–26.

Vahe 48: Ko e Mavahe ʻa e Siasí mei he Fakapoʻulí

Vahe 49: Ko e Ikuʻanga ʻo e Siasí