undefined undefined Principles of Leadership: Student Readings
Principles of Leadership: Student Readings

“Principles of Leadership: Student Readings,” Institute Secondary Electives Student Readings and Selected Course Outlines (2016)

“Principles of Leadership: Student Readings,” Institute Secondary Electives Student Readings

Principles of Leadership (Religion 180): Student Readings

Note to students: You are not required to read any of the suggested materials that are not available in your language.

Lesson 1: Leaders and Our Divine Potential

Lesson 2: Honoring the Agency of Those We Lead

Lesson 3: Becoming a Good Shepherd

Lesson 4: Setting a Good Example

Lesson 5: Learning Our Duties as Leaders

Lesson 6: Serving Those We Lead

Lesson 7: Learning to Lead with Charity

Lesson 8: Leadership Often Requires Sacrifice

Lesson 9: Approaching Leadership Cheerfully

Lesson 10: Putting First Things First

Lesson 11: Honoring Priesthood and Womanhood

Lesson 12: Helping Others Become Anxiously Engaged

Lesson 13: The Work of Leadership

Lesson 14: Leadership and Councils

Lesson 15: The Importance of Delegation

Lesson 16: Principles of Decision Making

Lesson 17: Conducting Successful Meetings

Lesson 18: Introspection