The Book of Isaiah: Course Outline

“The Book of Isaiah: Course Outline,” Institute Secondary Electives Student Readings and Selected Course Outlines (2016)

“The Book of Isaiah: Course Outline,” Institute Secondary Electives Student Readings

The Book of Isaiah (Religion 390R): Course Outline

Course Objective: This course will help students gain a better understanding of the Savior, His Atonement, and the purposes of God through a study of the writings of Isaiah.

Lesson 1: The Prophet Isaiah and His World

Suggested Lesson Material

  • 3 Nephi 23:1–5.

  • Old Testament Student Manual: 1 Kings–Malachi, 3rd ed. (Church Educational System manual, 2003), 171–76.

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • “And now, behold, I say unto you, that ye ought to search these things. Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the words of Isaiah” (3 Nephi 23:1).

Lesson 2: Understanding Isaiah

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • We can more clearly understand Isaiah’s writings when we use the scriptures; learn more about the culture, geography and manner of prophesying of the Jews; and seek the Holy Spirit.

  • Isaiah prophesied of Jesus Christ and His mission as our Savior and Redeemer.

Lesson 3: Isaiah’s Vision of Ancient and Modern Judah and Jerusalem

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • Our outward acts of devotion to God are more meaningful to Him when the intentions of our hearts are pure (see Isaiah 1:1–15).

  • If we sincerely repent, we can be purified of all our sins through the Atonement of Jesus Christ (see Isaiah 1:16–19).

  • As we attend the temple, the Lord will teach us of His ways (see Isaiah 2:2–5).

Lesson 4: Punishment and Redemption of the Lord’s Vineyard

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • When we are righteous, we enjoy the blessings of our choices. When we sin, we suffer the negative consequences of our choices (see Isaiah 3:1–11).

  • If we turn away from the Lord, we will lose His protection and help and experience sorrow and suffering (see Isaiah 5:1–25).

Lesson 5: The Calling of Isaiah

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, our iniquity can be taken away and our sin purged (see Isaiah 6:5–7).

  • As we are forgiven of our sins, we become more willing to do what God asks of us (see Isaiah 6:7–8).

Lesson 6: A Stone of Stumbling

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • Isaiah prophesied of the Savior’s miraculous birth and divine parentage (see Isaiah 7:14).

Lesson 7: The Prince of Peace and King of Kings

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace (see Isaiah 9:6).

  • The Lord is with His people and will help them overcome their afflictions (see Isaiah 10:24–34).

Lesson 8: A Rod, a Stem, and a Root

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • The restored Church is an ensign to the nations to gather scatted Israel back to the gospel of Jesus Christ (see Isaiah 11:1–12).

Lesson 9: A Revelation Concerning Babylon

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

Lesson 10: A Revelation to the Nations

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • Trusting in our own strength instead of trusting in the Lord can lead us into sin and ultimately to destruction (see Isaiah 22:1–14).

  • Jesus Christ holds the key of the house of David and the keys of salvation for all mankind (see Isaiah 22:21–23).

Lesson 11: The Hope of Israel

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • If we wait upon the Lord, we can receive His salvation and rejoice (see Isaiah 25:6–9).

Lesson 12: The Sure Foundation

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • The Lord reveals truth to us precept upon precept and line upon line (see Isaiah 28:10).

  • The Savior is the only sure foundation upon which to build our lives (see Isaiah 28:14–16).

  • Because the Lord knows each of us personally, He allows us to have personal experiences to help us grow (see Isaiah 28:23–29).

Lesson 13: A Marvelous Work and a Wonder

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • The Restoration of the gospel, including the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, is a marvelous work that corrects false teachings and counters the wisdom of the world (see Isaiah 29:11–14).

  • Studying the Book of Mormon can help us to have joy, revere God, and understand true doctrine (see Isaiah 29:18–24).

Lesson 14: The Lord Can and Will Deliver Us

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • If we rebel against God by rejecting the words of the prophets, then we will be weakened and, ultimately, spiritually destroyed (see Isaiah 30:9–14).

  • If we walk righteously, speak uprightly, and do not participate in evil, we will be delivered and worthy to dwell in the presence of God (see Isaiah 33:15–16).

Lesson 15: The Restoration and the Second Coming

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • As we testify of the Lord, we can strengthen the faith of others (see Isaiah 35:3–6).

Lesson 16: On Whom Dost Thou Trust?

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • If we trust in the Lord and keep His commandments, then He will be with us during our times of need (see Isaiah 36:13–37:38).

  • If we turn to the Lord, then He can help us overcome our fears and challenges (see Isaiah 37).

Lesson 17: The Lord’s Blessing and Warning to Hezekiah

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • If we exercise faith in the Lord, He will bless us according to our needs and His will (see Isaiah 38:1–5).

Lesson 18: Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

Lesson 19: A Light to the Gentiles

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • Jesus Christ and His Atonement make it possible for all, including those who have already died, to accept the gospel and become free from the captivity of sin (see Isaiah 42:5–7).

Lesson 20: I Am the Lord, and Beside Me There Is No Savior

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • Jesus Christ is the Redeemer and the only one who can save us (see Isaiah 43–45).

  • If we trust in the Savior, He will carry and deliver us (see Isaiah 46:1–4).

Lesson 21: Chosen in the Fire of Affliction

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • If we hearken to the Lord’s commandments, we will have peace (see Isaiah 48:18, 22).

Lesson 22: The Messiah Shall Come

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • The Lord loves us and will never forget us (see Isaiah 49:14–16).

  • The Lord will gather Israel (see Isaiah 49:22–26).

  • When we sin, we sell ourselves into captivity (see Isaiah 50:1).

  • The Lord has the power to redeem us from the captivity of sin because of His Atoning sacrifice (see Isaiah 50:2–9).

Lesson 23: I Am Thy God, and Thou Art My People

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • As we remember and keep our covenants, the Lord will bless us and comfort us (see Isaiah 51:1–3).

  • If the Lord’s law is in our hearts, then we have no need to fear the mockery of others (see Isaiah 51:7–8).

  • When we share the message of the gospel, we offer joy to others (see Isaiah 52:7–10).

Lesson 24: Wounded for Our Transgressions

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • Jesus Christ bore our griefs and carried our sorrows (see Isaiah 53:4).

  • Jesus Christ suffered for the transgressions and iniquities of all so that we can be forgiven and healed (see Isaiah 53:5–12).

Lesson 25: An Everlasting Covenant

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • The Lord is merciful and seeks to gather back to Him those who have sinned (see Isaiah 54:4–10).

  • If we repent and return to the Lord, He will have mercy on us (see Isaiah 55:6–7).

Lesson 26: Turning from Our Own Will to God’s

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • If we fast as the Lord intends, then we can help relieve others’ burdens and also receive relief from our own burdens (see Isaiah 58:2–10).

  • If we honor the Lord by keeping the Sabbath day holy, we will have joy in our relationship with the Lord and receive temporal and spiritual blessings (see Isaiah 58:13–14).

  • If we repent of our sins, the Lord will intercede for us and redeem us (see Isaiah 59:16–20).

Lesson 27: The Gathering of Israel

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • As the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ gives hope, heals, liberates, and comforts (see Isaiah 61:1–3).

Lesson 28: So Will I Comfort You

Suggested Lesson Material

Key Doctrine, Principles, and Concepts

  • During the Millennium the Lord’s people will enjoy happiness, peace, and prosperity (see Isaiah 63–65).
