undefined undefined The Book of Isaiah: Student Readings
The Book of Isaiah: Student Readings

“The Book of Isaiah: Student Readings,” Institute Secondary Electives Student Readings and Selected Course Outlines (2016)

“The Book of Isaiah: Student Readings,” Institute Secondary Electives Student Readings

The Book of Isaiah (Religion 390R): Student Readings

Note to students: You are not required to read any of the suggested materials that are not available in your language.

Lesson 1: The Prophet Isaiah and His World

  • 3 Nephi 23:1–5.

  • Old Testament Student Manual: 1 Kings–Malachi, 3rd ed. (Church Educational System manual, 2003), 171–76.

Lesson 2: Understanding Isaiah

Lesson 3: Isaiah’s Vision of Ancient and Modern Judah and Jerusalem

Lesson 4: Punishment and Redemption of the Lord’s Vineyard

Lesson 5: The Calling of Isaiah

Lesson 6: A Stone of Stumbling

Lesson 7: The Prince of Peace and King of Kings

Lesson 8: A Rod, a Stem, and a Root

Lesson 9: A Revelation Concerning Babylon

Lesson 10: A Revelation to the Nations

Lesson 11: The Hope of Israel

Lesson 12: The Sure Foundation

Lesson 13: A Marvelous Work and A Wonder

Lesson 14: The Lord Can and Will Deliver Us

Lesson 15: The Restoration and the Second Coming

Lesson 16: On Whom Dost Thou Trust?

Lesson 17: The Lord’s Blessing and Warning to Hezekiah

Lesson 18: Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

Lesson 19: A Light to the Gentiles

Lesson 20: I Am the Lord, and Beside Me There Is No Savior

Lesson 21: Chosen in the Fire of Affliction

Lesson 22: The Messiah Shall Come

Lesson 23: I Am Thy God, and Thou Art My People

Lesson 24: Wounded for Our Transgressions

Lesson 25: An Everlasting Covenant

Lesson 26: Turning from Our Own Will to God’s

Lesson 27: The Gathering of Israel

Lesson 28: So Will I Comfort You