“Lesson 4 Teacher Material: Finding Purpose and Joy in the Lord’s Creations,” Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material (2023)
“Lesson 4 Teacher Material,” Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material
Lesson 4 Teacher Material
Finding Purpose and Joy in the Lord’s Creations
“Under the direction of His Father, [Jesus Christ] was the creator of the earth” (“The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org). In this lesson, students will consider why the Lord created the earth and what they can do to find greater joy in His creations.
Suggestions for Teaching
Improving Our Teaching and Learning
Trust your students’ preparation. Consider ways to encourage students to study the class preparation material. Then show your faith in your students by drawing on their preparation during class. Doing so will inspire students to take greater responsibility for their own learning.
God created the earth to bring about our salvation.
To start class, you could show the accompanying picture and invite a few students to share what thoughts, feelings, or questions they have had while looking at the stars in the night sky. Or you could show the photos students may have brought or sent to you. Ask them to share their thoughts about what inspires them in the pictures.
Remind students that Moses had a remarkable vision in which he saw the vast scope of God’s creations. To help students think more deeply about the Creator and His creations, invite them to work in small groups and provide them the following handout.
Moses Learns Important Truths about the Creation
Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material—Lesson 4
Read the following scenario:
Gretchen loves science. From her studies she has learned much about how the natural world works but she has found no satisfying answer as to why the world exists. She has several questions about the purpose for the earth and our lives.
What challenges can someone face if they don’t understand why the earth was created?
Read together Moses 1:27–39, and look for truths that could enrich Gretchen’s view of the Creation. Then ask each group member to choose one of the bullets below and take a few minutes to prepare an answer. Each person could then share their thoughts with the group.
What do you learn about the nature of the Creator from the Creation? How is your faith in Jesus Christ influenced by knowing He created all things?
What thoughts or feelings do you have when you consider that “we are the reason [God] created the universe”? (You may want to review the statement by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf in section 1 of the preparation material.)
What actions have you taken or could you take to help others reach their potential as children of Heavenly Father? (You could invite group members to record anything they might feel prompted to do for someone they know.)
What kind of knowledge can we gain from science? What kind of knowledge can we gain from the scriptures? Why do we need both forms of knowledge? (You may want to review President Russell M. Nelson’s and President Dallin H. Oaks’s statements in section 3 of the preparation material.)
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Moses Learns Important Truths about the Creation
Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material—Lesson 4
Note: You could choose to have the small groups report to the class. Or if you feel group discussions have sufficiently covered the topic, you might choose to simply move on to the next part of the lesson.
You could end this part of class by emphasizing or testifying that under the direction of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ created all things. You may also testify that the Creation of the earth is a necessary part of Heavenly Father’s plan to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children.
God places all things on earth for our benefit and enjoyment.
You might begin this part of the class discussion by asking:
What are some of the Lord’s creations that you feel most thankful for? How have you expressed your gratitude to God for these creations?
You could then remind students that God rested on the seventh day and saw that “all things which [He] had made … were good” (Moses 3:2). He then “blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it” (Moses 3:3). And in modern times, the Savior reminds us that as we honor the Sabbath day “the fulness of the earth” will be ours (see Doctrine and Covenants 59:9–16).
Read together Doctrine and Covenants 59:16–20, and invite students to look for words or phrases that describe how the Lord would have us experience His creations. After discussing the significance of those words and phrases (especially those in verse 20), it might be helpful to display the following truth: The Lord’s creations are for our benefit and enjoyment and are not to be misused for unrighteous purposes.
To help students think deeply about this truth you could ask some of the following questions:
Why might it be important to regularly take time to find joy in the Lord’s creations? (You could follow up on the “Act” invitation in section 2 of the preparation material.) What might you need to change in your daily routine to ensure you regularly have time to enjoy the Lord’s creations? (It may be beneficial to allow students time to record their thoughts and impressions.)
How have you benefited from the good things that come from the earth? How could you show the Lord more gratitude for these things?
Why do you think our bodies can be referred to as God’s crowning creation? (See President Gordon B. Hinckley’s statement in section 2 of the preparation material.) What are some ways we can respect the sanctity of our bodies and others’ bodies? What has helped you to feel greater appreciation for your own body?
You might show students the video “Our Home” (1:34) and invite them to reflect on what they can do to be better stewards over our home, the earth.

Provide a few minutes at the end of class to testify and invite students to testify of the Creator’s love for each of us.
For Next Time
Consider sending the following message to students before the next class: Would you like to feel added power and protection in your life? As you study the preparation material for lesson 5, look for promised blessings to those who faithfully keep their covenants with the Lord.