Lesson 10 Teacher Material: Following Jesus Christ’s Example of Submission

“Lesson 10 Teacher Material: Following Jesus Christ’s Example of Submission,” Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material (2023)

“Lesson 10 Teacher Material,” Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material

Lesson 10 Teacher Material

Following Jesus Christ’s Example of Submission

Jesus Christ came to earth to do the will of His Father (see John 5:19). In this lesson students will be able to consider how the Savior’s perfect example of submission is related to the divine attributes of humility and meekness. Students will also consider what they can do to let God prevail more fully in their lives.

Suggestions for Teaching

Jesus Christ submits to the will of Heavenly Father in all things.

Consider sharing the following scenario:

Lucas has just been called to be the elders quorum president. After accepting the call, he asks the bishop, “What can I do to be a really strong leader, one that people will want to follow?” The bishop pauses for a moment and then says, “Be humble and meek.” Lucas thanks the bishop for his advice, but he leaves worried that humility and meekness might make him look like a weak leader.

  • What possible misunderstandings might Lucas have about the attributes of humility and meekness?

  • If Lucas ignores the bishop’s advice, what type of leader might he become?

Consider displaying the following definitions of humility and meekness from Elder David A. Bednar, and discuss how they relate to submitting our will to God:

Elder David A. Bednar

Humility generally denotes dependence upon God and the constant need for His guidance and support. …

Meekness is … distinguished by righteous responsiveness, willing submissiveness, and strong self-restraint. (“Meek and Lowly of Heart,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2018, 32)

Jesus prays in Gethsemane

Consider displaying a picture of Jesus Christ praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Invite students to read Luke 22:39–44 and look for what this experience teaches us about submission. You might also ask:

  • What are other examples from the life of the Savior that teach us about humility, meekness, and submission? (If it would help students, you could display additional pictures from the Savior’s life that relate to submission. You might also review and discuss the statement by Elder David A. Bednar in section 1 of the preparation material.)

  • In what ways have we all been blessed because Jesus submitted His will to the Father? (You might display the following truth: Jesus Christ “suffered the will of the Father in all things from the beginning” (3 Nephi 11:11).)

  • How would you and the people in your life be blessed if you were more submissive to the will of God? (You could invite students to take a few minutes to privately identify and write down one thing they could do to become more submissive to God’s will.)

It might be helpful to briefly revisit the scenario about Lucas and invite students to share how Lucas and his quorum could be blessed if he follows the bishop’s advice to be a humble and meek leader.

Covenant people let God prevail in their lives.

Students could review President Russell M. Nelson’s statement in section 3 of the preparation material and briefly discuss the significance of the word willing. You may want to testify that we become the Lord’s people when we willingly choose to let God prevail in our lives.

Improving Our Teaching and Learning

Encourage students to share what they are learning. When students are given opportunities to share their thoughts, feelings, and impressions with others, it can help them to deepen their own understanding, strengthen their testimony, increase their ability to articulate gospel truths, and increase their confidence to talk about the gospel in other settings.

To help students consider different ways we can let God prevail in our lives, you could display the following instructions or provide them in a handout.

Let God Prevail

Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material—Lesson 10

Take the next few minutes to prepare a brief thought about submitting to the will of God. Your thought should include an example of submission from the scriptures or from your life or the life of someone you know. It might also include how we could apply that example in our lives. Consider using one of the following resources as you prepare:

Let God Prevail

Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material—Lesson 10

teacher handout

After students have had sufficient time to prepare, invite them to form small groups. The size of the group should reflect the amount of time left in class. The shorter the time remaining, the smaller the group. This will help ensure all students can share their thoughts.

Before class ends, you could provide students a few minutes to quietly ponder and record their thoughts about this question found in section 3 of the preparation material: What is something you feel you should start doing or stop doing to let God prevail more fully in your life?

For Next Time

To encourage student preparation for the next class, consider sending the following message during the week: President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency said, “Attendance and activity in a church help us become better people and better influences on the lives of others” (“The Need for a Church,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 24). As you study the preparation material for lesson 11, look for different ways Church attendance can bless your life and the lives of your family and friends.
