“Lesson 21 Teacher Material: Hearing the Lord’s Voice in the Latter Days,” Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material (2023)
“Lesson 21 Teacher Material,” Jesus Christ and His Everlasting Gospel Teacher Material
Lesson 21 Teacher Material
Hearing the Lord’s Voice in the Latter Days
“In the modern world, [Jesus Christ] and His Father appeared to the boy Joseph Smith, ushering in the long-promised ‘dispensation of the fulness of times’” (“The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org). In this lesson, students will be invited to consider how Joseph Smith’s witness of Jesus Christ can strengthen their faith in Him. Students will also be invited to determine how they can increase their capacity to hear the Savior’s voice.
Suggestions for Teaching
Joseph Smith is an eyewitness of God the Father and Jesus Christ.
Display the following statement by President Gordon B. Hinckley:
The Prophet Joseph Smith was a preeminent witness of the living Christ. (Gordon B. Hinckley, “What Hath God Wrought through His Servant Joseph!,” Ensign, Jan. 1997, 2)
What makes Joseph Smith a “preeminent witness of the living Christ”? (If needed, remind students that preeminent means surpassing all others.)
Write on the board the following statement: Through firsthand experience, Joseph Smith learned that …
Invite each student to select and review either Joseph Smith—History 1:16–17, Doctrine and Covenants 76:22–24, or Doctrine and Covenants 110:2–4, looking for a way to complete the statement on the board. Then invite students to share their completed statements, which could include the following truths: Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ exist; Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father are separate and distinct beings; Jesus Christ has a glorified, resurrected body; Jesus Christ knows us by name; Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten of the Father; Jesus Christ is the Creator; Jesus Christ is our Advocate with the Father.
As students share, consider asking questions that could help them deepen their understanding of the truths they identify. For example:
Why is this an important truth to know about Jesus Christ?
How does this truth strengthen your testimony of the Savior?
How can knowing this truth increase your desire to follow Him?
After time for discussion, invite one or two students to share their testimony of Joseph Smith as a witness of the Savior.
We can hear the voice of the Lord.
Consider sharing the following scenario or one of your own:
Invite a few students to share how they would respond. You could also have students share other challenges or concerns they face with hearing the Savior’s voice.
Remind students that Oliver Cowdery was taught about hearing the Savior’s voice when he had some lingering questions about the prophetic calling of Joseph Smith. Invite students to review Doctrine and Covenants 6:14–15, 22–23, looking for what the Lord taught Oliver Cowdery about hearing His voice.
What can we learn about hearing the voice of the Lord from Oliver’s experience? (Students may identify a truth like the following: We can hear the voice of the Lord through the Holy Ghost. The Savior’s voice enlightens our minds and gives us peace.)
Why is it important for us to constantly seek to hear the Savior’s voice—especially in our day?
How has your life been blessed by hearing the voice of the Lord?
Consider displaying the following statement by President Russell M. Nelson or watching the video “Listen to the Voice of Jesus Christ” (1:46):
When we seek to hear—truly hear—His Son, we will be guided to know what to do in any circumstance. …
As we seek to be disciples of Jesus Christ, our efforts to hear Him need to be ever more intentional. (Russell M. Nelson, “Hear Him,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 89)
You could share a personal example of one way you hear the voice of the Lord in your life. Or you might show an example from a Church leader, found in the “Hear Him” video collection in Gospel Media (ChurchofJesusChrist.org).
Provide each student the following handout.
After sufficient time, invite some students to share their “Hear Him” message with the class. Encourage students to also share their “Hear Him” message outside of class. This could be through a face-to-face conversation, phone call, or text message or on social media.
As time permits, consider inviting students to be more intentional in their efforts to hear the Lord. They might take a couple of minutes to plan and schedule how they might do this.
For Next Time
Consider sending the following message, or one of your own, a few days before your next class: As you study the preparation material for lesson 22, consider what the ongoing Restoration means to you. You could watch “President Nelson—What Does the Restoration Mean for You?” (1:06).