

While the organization outlined in the JustServe Community Service Guidebook has proven to be an effective way to implement JustServe in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia, there are areas where this type of organization may not be feasible. International Area Presidencies often oversee a variety of countries with different strengths and challenges, such as non-profit needs and cultural and economic circumstances. To meet these local circumstances, Area Presidencies may need to adapt how JustServe is implemented using one or more of the following three alternatives.

A. Multi-Coordinating Council Model

Use this approach when there is a high concentration of stakes and multiple coordinating councils within a mission.

B. Single Coordinating Council Model

Use this approach when stakes do not have stake directors of Church Communication and there is only one coordinating council within mission boundaries.

C. Pre-Launch Model

Use this approach for areas where the Area Presidency wants to start JustServe but the full organization may not yet be feasible.

Regardless of the model selected, the Area Presidency should assign an Area Seventy to be responsible for JustServe for the area. The Area Seventy calls a local individual or couple as the area JustServe specialist(s), who will work closely with the area director of Church Communication, the area Welfare and Self-Reliance manager, and the coordinating council JustServe specialists. In areas with more than one country, the Area Presidency may consider calling a JustServe specialist for each country. This position could also be filled by one of the coordinating council JustServe specialists.

In these three organizational models, there are no stake JustServe committees. However, it is important that there be someone designated as the JustServe point of contact (such as the Relief Society president or her representative) in every stake, district, and mission so that the members can receive information on matters related to JustServe. Coordination with and assistance from the area director of Church Communication and local Welfare and Self-Reliance managers is vital.

Area Presidencies should follow the instructions in this document when implementing an alternative model in one or more missions. However, for information on other aspects of JustServe, such as working with community organizations and missionary service guidelines, leaders are encouraged to read and follow suggestions outlined in the JustServe Community Service Guidebook.
