6. Desired Outcomes

“6. Desired Outcomes,” JustServe Community Service Guidebook (2020)

“6. Desired Outcomes,” JustServe Community Service Guidebook


Desired Outcomes—How Will JustServe Success Be Measured?

  1. Everyone in the community, including faith-based, nonprofit, community, and government organizations, is building unity by using JustServe.org and the app to find ways to work together to assist those in need and improve the quality of life in the community.

  2. Opportunities are posted on JustServe.org. Working with collaborating organizations, the stake JustServe working group has identified and is helping other organizations post and maintain approximately 15–20 recurring projects on JustServe.org, providing a variety of service opportunities.

  3. Members understand JustServe and become community servants. Members in each ward have registered on JustServe.org or the app and know how to find service opportunities.

  4. Missionaries are serving. Full-time missionaries are consistently engaged in community service each week. Working with others has led to positive interactions with community members and enhanced morale among missionaries.
