Teaching Pamphlets
Missionary Work

“Missionary Work,” Learning and Serving in the Church (2016), 17–19

“Missionary Work,” Learning and Serving in the Church, 17–19

Missionary Work

You can serve others and share the joy of the gospel by doing missionary work. Missionary work is driven by love of God and His children, and it involves helping others understand and receive the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ (see 1 Nephi 8:12).

Jesus Christ wants everyone to have the opportunity to accept the gospel before He comes again. He commanded His followers to preach the gospel to all the world (see Matthew 28:19). As you share what you have learned about the restored gospel with your family and friends, you can assist the Lord in His work and help many people receive the blessings of the gospel. The Lord promises to help you know what to say and do as you share the gospel.

In addition to helping others find the gospel, your perspective and testimony will be a great blessing to other members of the Church. You can reach out to those whose faith has grown weak by befriending them, encouraging them, and inviting them to participate with you in the Church. In all of your interactions or Church assignments, seek to invite everyone to come closer to Christ.

Although it is important to share the gospel with others, not everyone will accept what you have to say. Show friendship, love, and respect to all people, regardless of how they respond to your testimony or invitations. As you live the gospel faithfully, you will set an example and show your family members and friends the great blessings that come from living the gospel and serving God.
