“Home and Visiting Teaching,” Learning and Serving in the Church (2016), 16–17
“Home and Visiting Teaching,” Learning and Serving in the Church, 16–17
Home and Visiting Teaching
Home teachers share a spiritual message with a family.
Members also serve others through home and visiting teaching. Home teaching and visiting teaching are programs that help ensure that everyone in the Church is cared for. Men who hold the priesthood serve as home teachers to individuals and families. Women in Relief Society serve as visiting teachers to other women. Home and visiting teachers serve in companionships.
Through inspiration, companionships are assigned to individuals and families whom they visit at least once a month. When your home or visiting teachers visit you, they may pray with you and share a spiritual message. They may also look for other ways to serve and help you. Home teachers who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood can also provide priesthood blessings as necessary. You can turn to your home or visiting teachers when you have questions or need support.
After baptism, you may also serve as a home or visiting teacher. Your home or visiting teaching companion will help you know what to do. As you help and support those you are assigned to home or visit teach, you can nurture friendships, help others come closer to God, and bless the lives of others.