undefined undefined Recreational Camps
Recreational Camps

Recreational Camps

Recreational Property Administration

Church recreational properties provide a dedicated outdoor setting for Church activities. They are developed according to the standard features and plans established by the Church. There are two types of recreational properties:

  1. Recreational camp property

  2. Local Unit Recreation Center (LURC)

The primary purpose of recreational camp properties is to help young men and young women feel the Spirit while enjoying safe, wholesome recreation. Stakes, wards, Church-member families, and their guests may also use these camps for approved activities. Reservations of Church recreational camp properties should not be made on behalf of community organizations, commercial ventures, and individuals of other faiths. However, Church members are welcome to invite their friends of other faiths to attend with them.

User fees can be collected for use of a recreational camp to cover the cost of maintenance, repairs, or improvements. All recreational camps should use the Church online reservation system at camping.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. All payments should be collected through the system only by unit-to-unit transfer for unit reservations and by personal credit card for personal reservations.

A LURC is generally located within stake boundaries and is intended for use primarily by wards within that stake or nearby stakes. A common example is a pavilion area or additional property for outdoor activities. Stakes should not collect user fees from Church members when using a LURC.

Stakes may request the acquisition and development of a new LURC or recreational camp property when there is a qualified need. Stake presidents can contact the facilities manager or area office, who can include the request for consideration on the annual plan that will be submitted to the Area Presidency.

Before submitting such a request, however, local units are encouraged to use available public and privately owned facilities. Where existing Church-owned facilities are within reasonable proximity across stake boundaries, these facilities should be fully used before additional facilities are requested.

The following content is specific to recreational camp properties.

New Recreational Camp Properties

Requests for Church funds to acquire or develop a recreational camp are submitted through the director for temporal affairs. General Church funds are requested using the recreational camp annual plan process only when qualification and development standards are met. Contact the facilities manager to start the process for consideration.

Stakes Not Assigned to a Recreational Camp Property

The Area Seventy (as designated by the Area Presidency) assigns stakes to a Church-owned camp in the area based on stake needs and the proximity and use of such properties. Using public or privately owned camps should also be considered.

Stakes that do not have a recreational camp assignment may make reservations at any recreational camp using the online reservation system and following the Priority Schedule for reservations published on the website.

Funding Improvements for Existing Recreational Camp Properties

A facilities manager is assigned to each camp and has direct responsibility for all camp facilities. Camp funding is part of the annual plan process and includes funding for replacements, improvements, operations, and maintenance. Expenses for camp program activities and materials are covered by the camp through user fees (see Stake Finances for Camps).

Operations and Maintenance

Camp properties are inspected at least semiannually to determine ongoing maintenance needs and safety concerns. Camps and forested areas should also be inspected following each significant weather event, such as high winds, heavy rain, or snow.

In the United States and Canada, inspection and maintenance resources are available by sending a request to the facilities manager who works with Natural Resources Services in the Meetinghouse Facilities Department.

Recreational camps on leased property are developed and maintained at a minimal level unless a long-term lease agreement has been made that could justify capital expenditures.

Sale or Lease of Existing Recreational Camps

Stake presidencies wishing to sell or lease an existing recreational camp property contact the facilities manager or area office. Stakes are not authorized to enter into any negotiations with any municipality or agent relating to the acquisition, leasing out, or disposal of recreational camp property.


The Area Seventy (as designated by the Area Presidency) appoints an agent stake president to oversee the administration of camp property. The agent stake president should reside in the same ecclesiastical area where the property is located.

Tax-Exempt Status

The tax-exempt status of recreational camp properties should be preserved. The property should not be used for commercial or political purposes or for producing income beyond what is needed for operation, maintenance, or repairs. If the local government where the recreational camp property is located does not grant the property a tax-exempt status, taxes will be paid by Church headquarters.

Stake Finances for Camps

In the United States and Canada, the agent stake administers camp finances using a separate Church-unit banking system (CUBS) account set up through Treasury Services at Church headquarters. Agent stakes do not set up checking or deposit accounts directly with banks. The CUBS account is used to pay camp program needs for activities and materials. All user fees and assessments should be deposited into the CUBS account. In areas other than the United States and Canada, the agent stake president contacts area finance personnel for instructions on setting up accounts.

The agent stake auditor audits the camp operations using the current Recreation Camp Audit form available in the Area Audit Resource Library.

The agent stake president carefully reviews and approves all income and expenditures. If a recreational camp property generates revenue from natural resources, the agent stake notifies the facilities manager who works with Natural Resources Services in the Meetinghouse Facilities Department (in the United States and Canada) or the area office (other than the United States and Canada). All such revenue is deposited in the general funds of the Church.

Church members may help defray the cost of maintenance, repairs, or improvements to recreational camp properties by donating labor, materials, or the use of equipment for minor repair work only. All replacement and improvement work is carried out by the facilities manager using only prequalified contractors and approved annual plan funds. Church leaders do not use special fundraising events to pay expenses related to recreational camp improvements (see Funding Improvements for Existing Recreational Camps).

Drinking Water Supply

Drinking water systems on all Church properties that derive their supply from private wells or springs (other than a municipal or community water system) are constructed, operated, and maintained according to legal regulations and established Church standards. The facilities manager is responsible for ensuring the water is sampled and tested for water quality standards in compliance with regulatory requirements and best management practices.

Equipment and Vehicles

The Meetinghouse Facilities Department and the Church do not typically provide or maintain equipment or vehicles for recreational camps. When special equipment is needed, it is rented at stake expense, provided by stake members, or purchased using the local unit budget allowance and user fees.


If there is a need for one or more full-time caretakers, agent stake presidents may call Church-service missionaries to fill that position. These Church-service missionaries are set apart by their bishop.

For further information on calling Church-service missionaries, see General Handbook, 24.7.