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Meetinghouse Parking Lots

Meetinghouse Parking Lots

Parking Lot Guidelines for the United States and Canada

The following information about the use of parking lots, accessible parking for those with disabilities, and dumpsters is for leaders in the United States and Canada. It may be helpful for those in other areas. However, consider local regulations and needs, and consult with your local facilities manager for appropriate application.

Parking Lot Use

In addition to the guidelines found in 35.5.8 of the General Handbook, remember that sharing Church parking lots with other organizations or individuals can expose the Church to risks, liabilities, and increased maintenance costs. It can create negative real-estate impacts and possible loss of property tax exemptions. Even using the parking lot for youth fundraising activities (depending, in part, upon the nature of the activity) can lead to property and income tax consequences.

Any exceptions to policy must be coordinated with your local facilities manager and approved by the director for temporal affairs. Exceptions should benefit the Church (such as avoiding conflicts with Church use), avoid legal exposure, and receive all appropriate approvals before permission is given for use.

In addition to parking lots, examples of shared property uses that require approval include access to Church property, gates, easements, boundary issues, and right-of-way agreements.

Designated Accessible Parking

A number of accessible parking spaces for people with disabilities, as required by a local jurisdiction, are marked as standard. However, bishops or stake leaders can ask the facilities manager to mark additional accessible spaces as needed.

For meetings with large gatherings, such as a stake conference, local leaders ensure and (even temporarily) designate enough accessible parking. Bishops also coordinate with other wards if they regularly overlap in the use of the building and its parking lots. For example, one ward might not have enough access because of a prior ward already using the accessible spaces.

Bishops also educate and remind members about the proper use of accessible parking. For example, parking in an unmarked space too close to an accessible space can make the accessible space unusable. Even those who have appropriate placards or permits need to leave the van-accessible spaces clear for others who have vehicles with mechanical lifts or who need the additional room for loading and unloading.

For more information from the Church, visit the Disabilities website.

Dumpsters and Trash Bins

Dumpsters and trash bins are for Church use only. Access can be restricted by fences, locks, or other means, if necessary.