Stake Presidency
Master Planning Supports the Area Presidency’s Direction

“Master Planning Supports the Area Presidency’s Direction,” Meetinghouse Master Planning Guidelines (2022)

“Master Planning Supports the Area Presidency’s Direction,” Meetinghouse Master Planning Guidelines

family at church

Master Planning Supports the Area Presidency’s Direction

The Area Presidency’s direction helps priesthood leaders focus efforts on strengthening families, members, and units. It addresses specific items that leaders work on together in a unified way to build the kingdom of God on earth.

Long-term meetinghouse master planning supports the Area Presidency’s direction to strengthen families, members, and units by providing meetinghouses in a simple and affordable way using resources wisely, considering the impact of meetinghouse decisions on strengthening Church members, and providing space appropriate to local conditions. This is emphasized in the General Handbook directive:

The Church provides meetinghouses so that all who enter can:

General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 35.1,

“In order to strengthen the Church, areas prepare long-term master plans before making decisions to add or redeploy meetinghouse space. … Important factors in these plans include utilization of existing space, forecasted growth, strategic placement of facilities, changes to unit boundaries, and affordability. Meetinghouse needs and plans are considered at the area and coordinating council level” (“Principles and Guidelines for Providing Meetinghouses” [issued with Presiding Bishopric letter, June 5, 2015], 2–3).
