Stake Presidency
7. Implement Meetinghouse Annual Plan

“7. Implement Meetinghouse Annual Plan,” Meetinghouse Master Planning Guidelines (2022)

“Implement Meetinghouse Annual Plan,” Meetinghouse Master Planning Guidelines

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Implement Meetinghouse Annual Plan

The DTA and his staff obtain funding approval for any meetinghouse projects resulting from master plans by including them in the meetinghouse annual plan. To do this, they validate projections and meetinghouse needs identified in the master plan and include their associated costs in the annual plan.

The meetinghouse annual plan is submitted to the Area Presidency and is then reviewed by the Presiding Bishopric.

Final approval is given by the Budget and Appropriations Committee and the Council on the Disposition of the Tithes.

The DTA staff initiate and complete these projects. They communicate with priesthood leaders as needed to inform them of the status of meetinghouse projects in the plan.
