Mental Health
2: Why doesn’t God just take this away from me or heal me?

“2: Why doesn’t God just take this away from me or heal me?” Mental Health: Help for Me (2019)

“Why Doesn’t God Heal Me?” Mental Health: Help for Me

Jesus praying in Gethsemane

Why doesn’t God just take this away from me or heal me?

Your mental health has an impact on your mood, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, and emotions and can also affect your spirituality. If you struggle with mental health issues, you may wonder why God would allow you to have these challenges. Remind yourself that these challenges are part of mortality. Keep an eternal perspective, and remember that God loves you and that mortal challenges are “but a small moment” (Doctrine and Covenants 121:7).

Consider the following common misconceptions:

Alan felt that positive religious habits could “fix” anxiety and depression.

Jesslyn thought that her depression was a result of sin.
