Mental Health
1: How can I take care of my own mental health?

“1: How can I take care of my own mental health?” Mental Health: Where to Learn More (2019)

“My Own Mental Health,” Mental Health: Where to Learn More

woman pondering

How can I take care of my own mental health?

You have been blessed with unique abilities and strengths that you can use to help care for your mental health. Try a few of the ideas listed below or think of something else that you can do regularly to help you feel rejuvenated.

  • Be still. Set aside a time and place to quiet your mind. Express gratitude, practice mindfulness, or use another relaxation technique. Allow your thoughts to turn to God as you give your mind and body time to relax.

  • Build relationships. Social connections with family, friends, and others in your community can increase your happiness and physical health and may reduce the incidence of mental health challenges. Remember, it’s the quality of the relationships you have that’s important, not the number.

  • Find joy each day. Seek pleasure in the small and simple things by noticing the texture of a flower, the flavor of a favorite food, the beauty of a birdsong, or the energy of a pet.

  • Take care of your body. Eat nutritious food, get enough sleep each night, and exercise regularly as you are able.
