undefined undefined 2: What causes someone to get a mental illness?
Mental Health
2: What causes someone to get a mental illness?

“2: What causes someone to get a mental illness?” Mental Health: Where to Learn More (2019)

“What Causes Mental Illness?” Mental Health: Where to Learn More

a family playing outdoors

What causes someone to get a mental illness?

While the causes of mental illness are complex and debated among professionals, we know that mental illness is not a result of sin or weakness of character. Some possible causes of mental illness include:

  • Chemical imbalance in the brain

  • Genetic predisposition

  • Brain damage due to a head injury

  • Chronic or ongoing medical concern

  • Abuse, including physical, verbal, or sexual

  • Trauma related to military combat

  • A traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one, financial loss, or divorce