Sunday School
What Should I Focus On?

“What Should I Focus On?” My Calling as a Counselor in the Stake Sunday School Presidency (2020).

“What Should I Focus On?” My Calling as a Counselor in the Stake Sunday School Presidency.

My Calling as a Counselor in the Stake Sunday School Presidency

What Should I Focus On?

“Leaders encourage members to engage in God’s work by becoming ‘true followers of … Jesus Christ’ (Moroni 7:48)” (General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 4.1).  Your presidency’s focus is to guide and support ward Sunday School presidencies as they seek to improve home-centered and Church-supported gospel teaching and learning in their wards.

As you seek to magnify your calling, remember the following counsel from President Russell M. Nelson: “We are each responsible for our individual spiritual growth. And scriptures make it clear that parents have the primary responsibility to teach the doctrine to their children [see Doctrine and Covenants 93:40; Moses 6:58–62]. It is the responsibility of the Church to assist each member in the divinely defined goal of increasing his or her gospel knowledge” (“Opening Remarks,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018, 8).

Lead in the Savior’s Way

You are a disciple of Jesus Christ. Discipleship includes loving, teaching, leading, and serving others. President Henry B. Eyring taught: “You are called to represent the Savior. Your voice to testify becomes the same as His voice, your hands to lift the same as His hands” (“Rise to Your Call,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2002, 76).

The following leadership principles will help your presidency as you seek to bless those you serve:

  • Prepare spiritually.

  • Minister to all of God’s children.

  • Teach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Preside in righteousness.

  • Counsel together and build unity.

  • Delegate responsibility and ensure accountability.

  • Prepare others to be leaders and teachers.

  • Plan meetings, lessons, and activities with clear purposes.

For more information, see General Handbook, 4.2.

Participate in Presidency Meetings

Participate in regular presidency meetings with the other members of the stake Sunday School presidency. Suggested agenda items for presidency meetings are listed below.

  • Read and discuss scripture passages and instructions from Church leaders that relate to your responsibilities as stake Sunday School leaders. Relevant sections in the General Handbook may be helpful.

  • Counsel together about the strengths and needs of ward Sunday School leaders and resource specialists. Consider ways to minister to ward Sunday School leaders who need strengthening. You might consider reaching out to them through a visit, a conversation, or in some other way.

  • Discuss the effectiveness of Sunday School classes in each ward and, as requested by stake leaders, classes in other organizations. Plan ways to help ward leaders and teachers improve home-centered and Church-supported gospel teaching and learning.

  • Review counsel and assignments from the stake president and from stake council meetings. Plan ways to follow the counsel and fulfill the assignments.

  • Share and act on the impressions you receive as you counsel together as a presidency (see Doctrine and Covenants 8:2; 121:26).

Know and Minister to Ward Sunday School Presidencies

As a stake Sunday School presidency, you have the opportunity and responsibility to orient newly called ward Sunday School presidencies and provide ongoing encouragement, support, and instruction as they serve. Communicate regularly with ward Sunday School leaders to learn about their needs, discuss the needs of the members they serve, and share information from the stake presidency. Periodically visit ward Sunday School classes as arranged with ward leaders.

In addition to instructing and supporting ward Sunday School leaders individually, the stake Sunday School presidency plans and conducts an annual leadership meeting for ward Sunday School presidencies (see General Handbook, 29.3.4). In these meetings you can teach ward leaders their duties, instruct them in teaching and leadership skills, and strengthen their faith.

As you provide training and support to all ward Sunday School leaders:

  • Pray for each leader individually.

  • Help ward presidencies understand the purpose of Sunday School and what it means to teach in the Savior’s way.

  • Help ward presidencies in their efforts to support teachers and improve home-centered, Church-supported gospel learning and teaching.

  • Invite ward presidencies to teach, learn, and act on doctrines and principles of the gospel (see Teaching in the Savior’s Way ).

  • Testify of Sunday meetings as sacred opportunities for members to increase in knowledge and testimony of our Savior. Help ward leaders learn how to help teachers create opportunities in their classrooms where class members can feel the Spirit and see how gospel truths can help them in their daily lives.

  • Ensure that all ward leaders are familiar with and follow Church policies and guidelines on preventing and responding to abuse, as outlined in “Preventing and Responding to Abuse.”

Help Oversee Resource Centers

The stake Sunday School presidency oversees the resource centers in the stake (see General Handbook, 13.7.2). As invited by ward Sunday School presidencies, you may help orient newly called resource center specialists. You may also conduct training meetings for resource center specialists and ensure that resource centers in the stake have the materials and equipment they need.

Participate in Stake Council Meetings as Invited

“The Church of Jesus Christ is governed by councils at every level” (General Handbook, 4.3). The stake Sunday School president may invite you to attend stake council meetings when he is absent. The stake council meets two to four times a year to discuss and plan how to support stake members’ efforts in:

  • Gospel instruction.

  • Missionary work.

  • Temple and family history work.

  • Self-reliance.
