
woman teaching children

My Calling as a Primary Teacher


The Lord is grateful for your willingness to serve in His Church. Below is an overview of the responsibilities for your calling.

Purpose of Primary

Primary helps children feel their Heavenly Father’s love; learn about His plan of happiness; live the gospel of Jesus Christ; and feel, recognize, and act on the influence of the Holy Ghost. Primary is also a time to prepare for, make, and keep sacred covenants as children participate in God’s work of salvation and exaltation. (See General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 12.1.)

Primary Teacher

Teaching God’s children is a sacred privilege. Primary teachers are called to teach and minister to specific age-groups of children (see 12.3.5). They study the gospel and share with the children what they learn. Teachers encourage children and their families to learn the gospel at home. They invite children to share at church what they are learning at home (see

Sunday Class

Primary teachers teach from Come, Follow Me. They follow the principles in Teaching in the Savior’s Way and chapter 17 of the General Handbook. When adults teach children in Church settings, at least two responsible adults should be present (see 12.3.5).

Guidelines and Policies

All adults who work with children and youth must complete the Protecting Children and Youth training within one month of being sustained ( Guidelines and policies regarding children with special needs, safety requirements, the Children and Youth program, and others are found in section 12.5 of the General Handbook.
