Additional Callings

man talking to young woman

My Calling as a Disability Specialist


The Lord is grateful for your willingness to serve in His Church. Below is an overview of the responsibilities for your calling.

Members with Disabilities

“Church members are encouraged to follow the Savior’s example of offering hope, understanding, and love to those who have disabilities” (General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 38.8.27). Your focus as a ward disability specialist is to help individuals prepare to make and keep sacred covenants.

Disability Specialist

The disability specialist serves members and leaders by getting to know individuals with disabilities and their families; responding to disability-related questions and concerns from caregivers, leaders, and others; and helping individuals access Church materials, meetings, and activities. The specialist can also help identify meaningful opportunities for members with disabilities to serve. (See

Additional Responsibilities

Identify and learn about members in your ward who have disabilities. Prayerfully seek inspiration about how these members and their families or caregivers can be included and supported. Offer to attend ward council meetings to help leaders understand how they can support members with disabilities. For additional resources, see

Guidelines and Policies

For guidelines on supporting members in hospitals or care centers, see section 38.8.43 in the General Handbook. For guidelines on ordinances for individuals with intellectual or physical disabilities, see sections 38.2.4 and 38.2.5.
