Young Women
What Should I Focus On?

“What Should I Focus On?,” My Calling as a Young Women Adviser or Specialist (2020).

“What Should I Focus On?,” My Calling as a Young Women Adviser or Specialist.

Savior carrying a lamb

My Calling as a Young Women Adviser or Specialist

What Should I Focus On?

“First, at the heart of all we do in Young Women is our desire to help [young women] gain unshakable faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and a sure knowledge of [their] divine identity as a daughter of God. …

“Knowing [their] identity and purpose will help [them] align [their] will with the Savior’s.

“Peace and guidance will be [theirs] as [they] follow Jesus Christ” (Bonnie H. Cordon, “Beloved Daughters,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 67).

Remember, the Young Women program is a youth-led, adult-supported program.

“Adult leaders, make the calling of class presidencies a priority and then lead side-by-side with them, mentoring and guiding them so they can succeed. … Stay close to them, but don’t take over. The Spirit will guide you as you guide them” (Bonnie H. Cordon, “Beloved Daughters,” 68–69).

Lead and Teach in the Savior’s Way

Jesus Christ teaching

You are a disciple of Jesus Christ. Discipleship includes mentoring, loving, teaching, leading, and serving others. President Henry B. Eyring taught, “You are called to represent the Savior. Your voice to testify becomes the same as His voice, your hands to lift the same as His hands” (“Rise to Your Call,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2002, 76).

See General Handbook, 4.2, for principles of leadership; see also 13.4 for information on teacher council meetings.

Empower Young Women to Be Leaders

Russell M. Nelson

“My beloved younger brothers and sisters, you are among the best the Lord has ever sent to this world. You have the capacity to be smarter and wiser and have more impact on the world than any previous generation!” (Russell M. Nelson, “Hope of Israel” [worldwide youth devotional, June 3, 2018],


Hope of Israel

The Young Women program is unique. It is not an adult-led program with youth involvement but rather a youth-led program with adult support. The Lord trusts these young leaders, and so must we. President Russell M. Nelson has given us this charge, “We need to let the young people lead. Particularly those who have been called and set apart to serve in class and quorum presidencies. Priesthood authority will have been delegated to them. They will learn how to receive inspiration in leading their class or quorum” (in “Supporting Children and Youth: A Broadcast for Parents and Leaders” [June 6, 2021],; emphasis added).

  • The youth are called of God through priesthood keys. When set apart, all class presidency members function with delegated priesthood authority (see General Handbook, 3.5).

  • The young women need to be part of the revelatory process. They need to be involved in planning and executing gospel learning on Sunday as well as service and activities. Their voices need to be heard in each council setting.

  • These are some of the strongest, most valiant youth the world has ever seen, and they should not be left to sit on the sidelines. They need to feel that they are a part of the important cause of gathering Israel. If they feel that they are underused or that their contributions do not matter, they may disengage.

Ponder the following questions:

  • Can you think of times when the Savior mentored His disciples to prepare them for their leadership roles? What do you learn from Him?

  • How did Moroni mentor the young Joseph Smith?

Help Youth Participate in the Work of Salvation and Exaltation


Young Women Celebration

The youth have been called by a prophet of God to enlist in the Lord’s battalion and participate in the gathering of Israel (see Russell M. Nelson, “Hope of Israel”). Read Doctrine and Covenants 64:33–34. What is this “great work” the Lord is talking about? General Handbook, 11.2, defines this work as the work of salvation and exaltation. It is simply to live, care, invite, and unite:

  • Living the gospel of Jesus Christ (see General Handbook, 11.2.1; 16)

  • Caring for those in need (see General Handbook, 11.2.2; 21)

  • Inviting all to receive the gospel (see General Handbook, 11.2.3; 23)

  • Uniting families for eternity (see General Handbook, 11.2.4; 25)

salvation and exaltation graphic

The youth are sharing this work with the Relief Society and the elders quorum. To help accomplish the work of salvation and exaltation, class presidencies work under the direction of the bishop.

bishop focus graphic

Understand the Children and Youth Program

Just as we need tools to fix a car or to plant and harvest a garden, we need tools to help us accomplish the Lord’s work. The Children and Youth program is our tool to help the young women accomplish the work of salvation and exaltation.

The purpose of the Children and Youth program is to strengthen faith in Jesus Christ and help the youth and their families progress along the covenant path. This program is supported at church, where class presidencies lead, but it is centered in the home, where parents lead (see General Handbook, 2.2). The Children and Youth program is more than a goal-setting exercise. It helps children and youth learn to live by revelation, strive to bring Jesus Christ into the center of their lives, and grow spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually (see Luke 2:52). As they do so, they will learn to joyfully live the gospel every day.

Jesus Christ

This growth occurs in three areas:

  • Gospel learning (see General Handbook,

  • Service and activities (see General Handbook,

  • Personal development (see General Handbook,

children and youth program graphic

To learn more about the Children and Youth program, review one or all of the following:

Emblems of Belonging

crystal Christus statue

Symbols are an important part of our gospel learning. The Children and Youth emblems of belonging are symbols of progress on the covenant path. As early as 2018, President Russell M. Nelson extended a special invitation to youth to become anxiously engaged in the work of salvation and exaltation. These emblems will help remind them of their important role in that work.

The year they turn 12, young women will receive a temple recommend holder and a medallion with an attached gem.

  • The medallion has an image of the temple, which represents gathering Israel and uniting families forever.

  • The gem attached to the pendant reflects light, representing the opportunity young women have to share God’s light as they live the gospel, help unite families, and serve others.

  • The temple recommend holder’s purpose is to hold an individual limited-use recommend as a reminder of the importance of living worthy to enter the temple.

The year they turn 18, young women will receive a pendant that can be added to the chain with their medallion. The pendant is wrapped in an image of the temple to remind the young women of the covenants they have made.

During the year a young woman turns 18, she will have the opportunity to receive an emblem of achievement: the crystal Christus statue, a reminder to continue to become more like Jesus Christ throughout her life. The Christus statue is awarded personally by the bishop to the young woman at the end of her Young Women experience. (See General Handbook, 11.6.3.)

The emblems of achievement are given to youth who are progressing in becoming more like the Savior by currently striving to:

  • Study the scriptures and pray daily.

  • Be worthy of a limited-use temple recommend.

  • Participate in Sabbath meetings, quorum or class work, and seminary.

  • Work on goals in each area of growth.

  • Serve others in a personally significant way, which could include a service project.

New converts, those who have not been actively participating in Children and Youth or the Church, and those who are not members of the Church may receive the emblems of achievement the year they turn 18 if they are currently focused on the patterns of discipleship outlined above.

Youth should discover, plan, act on, and reflect on their individual goals for personal growth (spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual). Activities in all areas—including church, school, friendships, sports, the arts, work, and individual interests—can help youth follow and become more like Jesus Christ.

Youth are encouraged to focus on at least two goals in each of the four areas of growth every year. They set their own goals and track their own progress. Some may wish to use or the Gospel Living app.