Young Women
What Should I Focus On?

“What Should I Focus On?,” My Calling as a Young Women Class Secretary (2020).

“What Should I Focus On?,” My Calling as a Young Women Class Secretary.

My Calling as a Young Women Class Secretary

What Should I Focus On?

As a leader in the Church of Jesus Christ, you and your presidency are called to help those you serve draw closer to our Father in Heaven and our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a wonderful and sacred opportunity. As you seek the Lord’s guidance, He will help you. This may sound overwhelming, but remember it happens one smile, one activity, and one ministering effort at a time.

Lead in the Savior’s Way

Jesus Christ teaching

You are a disciple of Jesus Christ. Discipleship includes loving, teaching, leading, and serving others. President Henry B. Eyring taught, “You are called to represent the Savior. Your voice to testify becomes the same as His voice, your hands to lift the same as His hands” (“Rise to Your Call,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2002, 76).

Know and Minister to Each Young Woman in Your Class

young women hiking

As you come to know and love the young women in your class, you can help them draw closer to the Savior and grow stronger in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Prayerfully counsel together with your presidency and Young Women leaders to decide who needs your time and attention. As you reach out to those you are inspired to serve, you will find that your love for each young woman increases. As you pray for the gift of charity, your heart will be filled with love for the Savior and for others (see Moroni 7:46–48).

With your presidency, study together “Lesson 5: Ministering,” in Leadership Lessons ( Ministering should be a part of every presidency meeting agenda. Make plans to act on the promptings you receive.

In addition to the ministering you do with your presidency and as a class, young women who are age 14 and older may be assigned by the Relief Society presidency to serve as companions to Relief Society sisters in ministering to the needs of women in the ward. Encourage and support the young women in your class who have accepted these assignments. For more information about Young Women and ministering, see General Handbook,; 21.2.2.

Participate in the Work of Salvation and Exaltation

All youth have been called by a prophet of God to enlist in the Lord’s battalion and participate in the gathering of Israel (see Russell M. Nelson, “Hope of Israel,” [worldwide youth devotional, June 3, 2018], Read Doctrine and Covenants 64:33–34. What is this “great work” the Lord is talking about? General Handbook, 11.2, defines this work as the work of salvation and exaltation. It is simply to live, care, invite, and unite:

  • Living the gospel of Jesus Christ (see General Handbook, 11.2.116)

  • Caring for those in need (see General Handbook, 11.2.221)

  • Inviting all to receive the gospel (see General Handbook, 11.2.323)

  • Uniting families for eternity (see General Handbook, 11.2.425)

salvation and exaltation graphic

With your presidency, study together “Lesson 3: The Work of Salvation and Exaltation,” in Leadership Lessons (2021,, and counsel about how you can use your Sunday meetings, service, and activities to help all the young women participate in this great work.

The youth share this work with the Relief Society and the elders quorum under the direction of the bishop.

Counsel Together with your Presidency

“Heavenly Father has established councils as an important part of receiving inspiration, making decisions, and accomplishing His work” (General Handbook, 4.3).

With your presidency, study together “Lesson 2: Counseling Together,” in Leadership Lessons, and consider how this eternal principle will bless you in the following meetings.

Class Presidency Meetings

Class presidency meeting can be a place of revelation, and counseling together with your presidency will bring unity and joy to your service. It is in class presidency meetings that you and your presidency will plan how to help young women draw closer to the Savior and engage in the work of salvation and exaltation (see General Handbook,

With your presidency, study together “Lesson 1: Preparing for and Conducting Meetings,” in Leadership Lessons, especially the video “Secrets to Conducting Effective Youth Presidency Meetings” (

As the class secretary, you have the very special role of supporting the class presidency. You do this by:

  • Helping the Young Women class president prepare agendas for presidency meetings. You will attend these meetings, take notes, and keep track of assignments. (

  • Helping the Young Women class presidency prepare agendas for conducting Sunday meetings and for the Sunday meeting “Council together” section found in each lesson of Come, Follow Me—For Aaronic Priesthood Quorums and Young Women Classes.

  • Keeping track of attendance in Sunday meetings (

  • Using these records to help the presidency learn who is attending meetings. You are not required to submit an attendance report for weekly activities. However, keeping track of attendance may help you and your presidency better meet the needs of class members.

Plan and Conduct Sunday Young Women Meetings

Sunday Meeting

Sunday Young Women meetings are sacred opportunities for you and the young women in your class to increase in knowledge and testimony of our Savior. In these meetings, you and the members of your class learn doctrine from the scriptures and general conference messages, discuss how the doctrine applies to your lives, and counsel together about how you can act on what you are learning.

Support your presidency as they fulfill the responsibilities to plan and carry out Sunday meetings. This video, “Conduct Class Meetings to help the Lord” (, will show you how it all works.

Plan and Conduct Service and Activities

Weekly Service and Activities

Gathering together for service and activities with other faithful youth is a source of strength—and it is a lot of fun! Your presidency has the primary responsibility to plan and implement service, activities, and events for your class. You are an important part of this effort. Your Young Women leaders will guide and support you in your planning.

The Savior has promised, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20.) Seek His guidance, and He will help you.

With your presidency, study together “Lesson 4: Planning Service and Activities,” in Leadership Lessons, and see General Handbook,

Support your presidency as together you focus on the needs of your class and plan a variety of service and activities to unify and strengthen class members, build testimonies, bless others, and have fun.

This video, “Six Tips to Planning Awesome Activities” (, can be a useful resource.
